Sep 26, 2016


sleepingBlessings All, I trust your weekends went well, If not....well, lets look at the bright side (such as it is) and say, at least you get to live another day to complain today about yesterday and the day before. You can vent and purge your system.

My weekend was no Disneyland happily ever after fairy-tale but it was no “Salem's Lot” either. It was hmmm...lukewarm, not bad or outrageously fabulous but lukewarm.  I could have done with more sleep but then again when can I not? Sleep is healing, its the time the body rejuvenates itself from the madness we put it through. Have you ever noticed how the sweetest part of sleep is when you have to get up? It's like the body gets warmer, the dreams get better, and the body's more relaxed, the endorphin juices flowing through the veins having a party up in there and you just want to continue sleeping. In fact, you are so comfortable you don't want to get up so you play the 5-minute game with yourself and the clock.

5 Minute Game:
The alarm goes off, or someone wakes you and you think stretching.... hmmm, hmmm....., just 5 more minutes and then you'd get up.  You bargain with yourself, with whomever woke you, the Lord to give you just 5 more minutes or "half an hour. Then you begin to mentally reason your way into that 5 minutes, 'all I have to do is shower, put on my clothes and go out the door'. Five minutes came and went, 15, 30, 45 minutes and you jack knife out of bed using expletives, chastising yourself for not getting up when you should have all the while making a mad dash to the shower, brush your teeth at lighting speed, and change hurriedly making a leap for the door still talking to yourself in a dialogue of reprimands. Heaven forbid anyone should try to communicate with you in those moments because you are snapping at them, answering abruptly if at all, silently or audaciously blaming them when its your own fault but do you care in those moments, absolutely not, after all, its simple easier to shift the blame to someone else, even the clock does not escape recrimination. Lol, lol, lol…Now if you are one of those people that snap at others half way through your day you begin to feel guilty, thinking of ways to say "I'm sorry". Of course it's short lived because no sooner than the apology is out, the vicious cycle of 5 more minutes begin again. lol, lol, lol, lol.

The reality is we need more sleep but sometimes the sweetness of sleep never seems enough even if you do go to bed on time. It is said (by those "scientifically" inclined people) that the best time to be in bed is by 10:00 pm as the body begins to release the healing endorphins between 10 pm and 2 am, (I don’t know what that means for those working nights) so if you going to bed after 2 am your likely to feel like you never get enough rest. Now I understand those people that use the morning cup of joe (coffee) to jump kick their morning, if only i had that vice...

Well I got to go to work to earn the pay to pay the bills to earn the right to complain. Have a outrageously fantastic week. 


  1. Sometimes we have to count our blessings just so we can get up in the morning! ;-) You have a good week too!

    1. I am counting every day and thankful in every moment. I teach myself to take nothing for granted.

  2. Being able to rest with no worries or stress is great, the ability to "sleep easy" knows no bounds. I haven’t been able to do that in awhile, but it’s not because of either worry or stress, I’ve been like this due to injury and surgery.
    Be Blessed, GOD is still resting easy.

    1. Oh Terrence, i feel for yah. Its not easy with fitful sleep. Sleep is just as important as food and while some can nod off into dreamland some are ever in the awaking.

  3. Haha… jack knife out of bed… and that is exactly why my alarm clock is across the room from me. And the fastest way to ruin my "entire" day… is to have that blasted buzzer on the alarm on… no no no… must be the radio that comes on or sweet Sunflower is gonna be cranky for hours, lol! And do NOT nudge me to wake me either… that brings about a swinging arm… with a clenched fist attached to it.. LOL! I wish that I was interested in a nice cup of hot coffee first thing in the morning too, sounds good… smells good.. but nope me either! I hope you have a fantastic week as well… take care -S-

    1. Oh! am scare of you, fists/clocks flying. I would seek out of bed lol, lol, lol.

  4. and how did it take YOU, Funny Lady, to go from zero (in bed sleeping as soundly as you ever do at wake-up-for-work time) to 190 mph (walking in the door at your Place d’ employment)? haha

    Love your writing, Fabs!

    1. Blessings and thank you Richard, you would be happy to know that i have gotten a lot better, now i cruise out my down and stroll to the bus stop hehe.

  5. hay everyone has drama in thier life..
    and righ tnow i think drama is doing thier spring cleaning in to my back yard!

    1. Oh that is as much drama as i can stand. I don't do drama well, consider myself too grown! ha!

  6. lol, lol. i'm familiar with the concept.

    1. Oh me too....all too familiar now i have de-familiarized myself for my own sake.

  7. I learned the hard way working back shift years ago... it was not my friend. I rarely sleep properly and always feel unrested. It's not a good feeling ... I love my Saturday morning dozing ... I really need to figure out how to get more sleep as I'm not a coffee person either xox ♡♡♡

    1. I find that going to bed early helps thought its a habit I must cultivate as I tend to sit up late reading!

  8. often my favourite time of the day is when I lay down to sleep, and it's sometimes way too late.

    1. Yeah, i have that nasty habit too. We got to get better, great sleep keeps you young!

  9. Ha ha...sounds so like me in my younger days!

    1. Yes, habits of the young burning the candles at both ends though I must say aging is a sure cure for that! You body simply won't let you.

  10. How well I remember the years of always feeling like a sleep-deprived zombie. One of the many pleasures of being old is I can now sleep whenever I feel like it. Doesn't mean I DO... but I CAN.

  11. Ah if only I could get enough sleep. Even when I don't have to get up I am awake by 6 a.m. It's from years of having to start work at 6 a.m. though getting out of work at 2:30 was nice.
    I hope you get to sleep soundly.

    1. You sound like my mom. she is up very very early, i sometiems ask..."is your bed wet?" she just laughs

  12. I love pasta,rice noodle.but I try to avoid them.If does put on weight.I think we're all critical of our bodies. but it's what we have and I'm determined not fuss about mine?


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