Oct 8, 2016

16 Making Room for Other Things

Early morning I rise with praise on my lips and hopes for a sunrise. I looked and though was no visible sunrise, before me were the vision of colorful trees singing a symphony with a hypnotic melody crystalized by the rain drops. 

The sunrise took a bow to the rain and I praise the glory before me, not as I had envisioned, intended or planned yet the medicine to the soul given to me to hold is priceless. 

Everything has a time and place and opportunities are given for each to shine. Like the sunrise make room in your life for other things to rise up, shine and share the stage.

I am blessed 

Written by me | D.S.B.S.Rhapsody(c) all rights reserved 


  1. Such beautiful colours! It is good to wake up with praise on our lips.

  2. I say your writing is beautiful and uplifting. :)

  3. Hello from Alberta, Canada ... Blessed be ... Love, cat.

    1. Blessings from Toronto, Canada....Thank you for the blessings, right back atcha!

  4. The beautiful color of the fall trees is the thing I most look forward to during this season. Our trees haven't changed into their fall robes yet.

    1. hmmmm, i too enjoy the color changes. I have found that each tree has its own time, some sooner some later.

  5. Such wonderful colors this time of year.

  6. Aaahhhh yes. This is beautiful, the writing is inspiring, and the photo is therapeutic. There is nothing more soothing to this savage soul of mine as God's natural therapy. Thank you for the inspiration!

    1. Thank you for your support and blessing. I am glad it inspired


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

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Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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