May 21, 2011

54 Your Transformation Is Your Responsibility

Kaleidoscope“You can inform the people you love of what you want for them but you cannot transform them into living it out.”Dr. Ronn Elmore

You can blame the world for not accomplishing your goals, dreams, wishes and desires and yes, you may actually have proof of incidents of deliberate sabotage, subterfuge, betrayals and lack of support from loved ones and friends. However, in the end, you are the one accountable for seeing things through, holding steadily to your dreams, accomplishing your goals, giving in to defeat, making excuses, holding out or letting fear take control of your potential and making it simply an hypothesis of what could have been, would have been, should have been, if only this was right or that was done as promised by he or she.

In life there are an infinite slew of excuses as to why we haven’t done what we could have done; should have done what we wanted to do and might have done had A, B, C or D  came through for you. The truth is even if all the explanations and causes that hindered your progress, prohibiting you from succeeding were true, as long as you breathe there still exists the opportunity to succeed. You simply have to decide whether or not you want it bad enough and if you are worthy of the effort.

The simple truth is  your transformation is your responsibility.

Art Credit: pbKaleidoscope script by utak3/#Apophysis


  1. Yep, lowering expectations is the key to being happy with what we get.

    1. Really? Lowering ones expectations? Wow, that is a unique prospective, 'I wonder how many of my readers/blog friends agree with this point of view.'

  2. So, so true. I’m still trying to transform myself.

    1. ahhhh...transformation is a life long process with many layers and degrees of knowing, learning and growing.

  3. If that isn't the truth, I don't know what is

    1. hmmmmm, am glad what is written resonates with you. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Hey there, Rap. Truer words were never spoken. I’m with Pep, trying to transform myself. That’s hard enough without trying to transform someone else. I hope everything is okay with you and that you had a nice day. Have a fabulous week…I’ll check in on you again soon.

    1. As am I, transforming that is. The only real power "we" in terms of true transformation have is over our selves. "We" can assist others with their process however the work is theres to accomplish.

  5. hello there ! i had an old friend who was so scared she had changed once she had a baby- whilst me i wanted to change and now am getting there !! just thought i’d say hi ! i will have to come back – there is loads to see ! esp your photos- have a great weekendbhappi~x~

    1. Fear is the biggest immobilizer it is the catalyst for many of our surrenders. To embrace change is a gift, it is within you, it will come, you need only be ready and it sounds like you are.

      I look forward to your revisit.

  6. True words. Thank you. I appreciate your words very much, you share with us and all you write me in my space. Thanks a lot.Have a nice Sunday and a fabulous start in the new week. Take care of you.Cinderella

  7. Seems logical… Thanks for your visit, Rhapsody! I wish you a great weekend!
    Ellen – Norway

    1. hmmmmmm...logic, this makes me smile for much of life trails feels at time illogical.

  8. that i agree, the only person we have a right to transform and can be able to do it, is our selves.

    1. Yes and therein lies the challenge. To transform ourselves we must be willing to face ourselves and that my dear isn't always easy.

      thanks for sharing.

  9. there’s the saying – ‘you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink it’ J x

    1. mmmm, hmmmm, reminds me of a song that extends that line to read, "you can give a man your whole heart and soul but you cannot make him think." Don't remember the singers name.

  10. Very true! Great quote! A friend of mine is going through this very thing with her young adult daughter. She’s at her wits end and wonders how she can make her daughter better understand her way of thinking and doing things. She is just about heartbroken over her daughter’s life choices.

    1. hmmmmm.....aaah, i know this path, the thing she has to do is what will be the hardest, let go. She has to let go, let her daughter live and experience the consequences necessary to learning and growing. As a mother it isn't easy to sit by and watch your child walk of a cliff (for lack of a better analogy) but its what is required sometimes. We have to let go and let God. We have to take a leap of faith and let our children know that no matter what we are there even though they may not feel like we are.

  11. Great post Fab. So very true!

  12. Your words are right in the spot that I like very much though you have a pretty confirdent person and not too many mistaken in yourlives?
    Enjoy your weekend.

    1. Oh I have made my share of mistakes, trust me, its all part of being human. I don't think its possible to live this life and not make any. We simply have to learn to forgive ourselves, pick ourselves up and keep on moving.

  13. Excellent post! This is so true. You just can't ever give up blaming others. Your future is up to you.

    1. It is, absolutely now we just have to keep reminding ourselves of that fact.

  14. Hey, girlfriend, thanks for stopping by my blog! Just wanted to stop by and say you were very blessed to have such a fine Grandmother who taught you what it truly meant to help others -- by reaching out and helping them in a true way, by feeding them, etc. No doubt she is looking down from heaven and is proud...

    BTW, i love this post! It is something the Lord has been really laying on my heart lately -- that we are responsible for making our life what it is supposed to be. Of course He and we are responsible. He will help us, but if we sit around and do nothing, nothing will get done. Many people expect something to get done "for them" just because they believe it is owed to them. Or perhaps it is bc they are too afraid to take a step out. You know, I think that is a large part of the equation. Fear.

    We can want something. We can even agree we'll go for it, and take the chance to transform our lives, both inside and out. But unless we decide we will do the things we need to do to transform ourselves and our situations, which may mean working past and through the fear, or may mean getting off our butt and not being complacent and working hard, we will NEVER see the transformations.

    Love your post. You go girl! Please come back and visit my blog when you can!

    my main blog: Sometimes I Think
    let's connect on Twitter:
    how about friends on FB?

    1. Fear is indeed a very large part of the equation hindrance to a successful transformation.

      I will be back. thanks for coming.
      please come again.

  15. yep! mine & mine ONLY!

  16. Word!! we are the change that we seek. If u want sumthing so bad, u shld be able to get it.

    1. Yes we are indeed the change that we seek. wise words my friend. thank you for sharing.

  17. We choose our own destinies, we make our own choices

    1. hmmmm....this is profound because there are times in life when we are slammed with trails/challenges that seem impossible to survive/conquer we feel that we do not.

  18. The last two sentences are amazing indeed. An entry that moved more than I am currently able / allowed to admit.

    Please have a good new week, hope to see you soon again.

    daily athens

    1. Thank you, admittance is not necessary as long as you get what you needed is all that matters.

  19. Oh yeah, excuses are legion. I hold myself whenever i'm starting to think up excuses! Good one


    1. Oh there are infinite excuses isn't there? Its so easy to fall on and adhere to them to ride out the consequences of our actions/in-actions.

  20. very true and I feel that blaming others for our life's failures is irrational, as its we who must take the responsibility of our life, and its we only who can make or break it..nobody else has to power to do it.

    1. Irrational rational, i have found that sometimes some of us will cling to whatever rope one can hold onto in times of crisis, when we feel our backs are against the wall, in that given moment some will be inclined to do just that, be irrationally irrational.

  21. Excuses....won't get anyone anywhere. Time to take charge of life-and always try harder with every failure.

    1. ah, nicely said. I don't think of failure as failure in the way the world view it. Rather i view failure as stepping stones to success.

  22. Excuses for me is a thing of the past coz i came to conclusion that the scripts of life has already been written and we just acting it out. *maybe i`m wrong,maybe not* just a view.

    Word though.

    1. Oh that is wonderful to read "excuses for me is a thing of the past" I pray you keep that piece of philosophy it will serve you well.

      hmmmmm...i don't know that i ascribe to that "the scripts of life has already been written and we just acting it out" per say, why because it begs the question, 'what is the point of free will and choice if everything is predestined?

  23. You're right, of course. I have no one but myself to blame for not driving more than I should. I need to get over the fear.

    1. Life like us is not perfect, as long as you breathe you have the opportunity to succeed and conquer all fears.

  24. Yes you are spot on. In the corporate world as in real life you cannot be giving excuses & reasons as why you could not achieve your objectives. Rather asses all bottlenecks,impediments & obstructions well in advance and build strategies for overcoming these so as to ensure smooth achievement of objectives & goals. You have two types of people in this world: 1.Cynics & Pessimists who are always finding excuses for non achievements & 2.Die hard Optimists & Daring Achievers who are always sharing success stories - how they achieved the impossible missions.
    I have some new posts for you.

  25. 'The simple truth is your transformation is your responsibility.' This line pretty much summarizes it all for me. It also reminds me of another saying that, 'if it is meant to be, it is up to you.' This is a powerful post, and a call for me to bin my excuses and get on with what I need to do. Thanks for sharing.


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