Mar 4, 2016


This is where I am in my being this day and where I am grounding myself this week. Every so often I do internal inventory. With that in mind I am re-sharing this post with two intentions, one: to remind myself of the importance of being still and two: to reshare with you and read your thoughts and strategies on being still.

I Believe I Can Fly by Frank Morrison
Learning to be still at times is like trying to catch water with a sift. It is challenging, pitting what you know against what you want. The practice endeavors one to think critically about action, cause and effect. It moulds and teaches self-discipline, self-monitoring and self-parenting. It is a practice that is demanding when one first instinct is to react instead of staying calm, to roar instead of being humble, to be obnoxious and malicious instead of benevolent and polite.
Learning to be still is valuable. It is in the process of achieving it is where one runs into trouble. It involves discipline and the daily practice of learning how to pick your battles “leave this”, “pick up that”. The Repetitive practice is essential to training oneself to … Speak when only it is necessary, answer only when called, think mindfully before expressing and walking away instead of surrendering to willful retaliation.
The art of being still demands much skill, some of which I am still learning.
D.S.B.Rhapsody©all rights reserved.


  1. So right, but oh so hard to do!

  2. Hmmm, well I guess we’re all still learning. Because sometimes it’s so hard to walk away or stay calm, but I know what you’re talking about.

  3. true! it requires great practice to learn to be still. i’m still practicing. :)thanks for your wishes!

    1. As am i, its a daily practice, a training of the mind, much like a muscle

  4. I am still learning also

  5. Certainly a great skill to have especially in a challenging job market like now! (saw ur notes on my profile page only now…sorry for the delay in getting back)

    1. A challenge well worth conquering.
      Its all good, sometimes we get caught up in other things.

  6. YES! Never have more true words been written. Excellent my friend.(((HUGS)))

  7. I am still learning this also, this a point to consciously think about every day.I am filing all you friends into my favs into explorer on my new computer so I can navigate better, got ya now.Hugs Fab from me in Alaska

  8. Stopping by to wish you a wonderful week ahead. Take care. xo T~

  9. I am in agreement with Beth Marie, " Execellent Words". It is also when we learn this practice that we can also here the Lord speaking to us. God bless you my friend ~Hugs~Marilyn~

  10. I love your last sentence. I'm also still learning this act lol, i need to put more effort into being still though.

    1. It comes with time and practice. be patient with yourself, its a life long process

  11. For me, being still is difficult, but sometimes necessary

  12. i too i'm learning and i believe once i master this art, i'll be in the place i want to be x

  13. supberb saying...and a beautiful

  14. Learning to be still is indeed valuable, healthy too.

  15. Pithy wisdom packed in so few words without losing its potency.Stilling the mind is the gateway to salvation/nirvana or whatever.Easily said well nigh impossible.It is constant practice as Rhapsody put it that can facilitate.
    Thanks Rhapsody for the scintillating post.

  16. @kitkat As long as there is life there is room to learn and grow. I am always in a constant state of learning and growing. I will be finished when I am finished and the Grand master has called me home.

  17. @@ilola Absolutely, with all the noise in the world and all peoples words in your ear competing with your own reasoning, it is very necessary to be still and connect with spirit.

  18. @MsNana_ mastery is the trick isn't it, though i don't think we will every be finished as long as we draw breath.

  19. @Chizy K thank you, i discovered this artist FRANK MORRISON and his artistry is spectacular. I absolutely love his work.

  20. @Adura Ojo (Naijalines) valuable and healthy indeed.

    @KParthasarathi thanks, I am learning that sometimes a lot can be expressed in few words and convey all its meaning. Practice is the key isn't it?

  21. Ah - so true. I can never stay still. I need to learn to do that. I am missing out on so much :-)

  22. @Raajii When the time is right, you will be able to stay still because it will be necessary.

  23. What is very important in being still is our attitude. Someone said, "patience is not just about waiting but most importantly about your attitude while you wait". When we are not speaking, what is our attitude like? When we are waiting to be called before answering, how are we going about it?

    Thanks for sharing :)

    - LDP

  24. @LE DYNAMIQUE PROFESSEUR There are key times when attitude is indeed everything.

  25. Once we master being still we have conquered any and every thing life's journey can send our way. Being still is freedom real freedom.

  26. There are some ideas I've never taken on, until it's been posted on a great blog like this ^^ Thanks for sharing man, I'll take a new sight on stillness now :)

  27. @Lady P Mastering is the goal.

    @DeadEyes-_- thank you, one day at a time.

  28. Yes, it takes discipline to be still because the default is to react. Nice piece.

  29. @The Relentless Builder We are reactionary aren't we? Displicine now that is something we all need to put into practice.

  30. Hmmm, being still actually takes learning..true
    imagine being still when your environment is loud and chaotic and ....

    Discipline, I think is the only way we can achieve 'stillness'

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Actually being still in a room full of people is achievable though not easy as you've stated.

  31. Hmmm...being still takes learning and discipline. true

    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Its worth the time and effort it would take to master that tasks

  32. very true..but it is so difficult, sometimes one just want to retaliate.

  33. This is very great. Self-discipline, I think, is the root to attaining ultimate stillness

  34. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    Keeping still is quite difficult and being still I mean we should keep also our mind blank and not think of anything. It is very difficult to keep the mind still without wandering here and there.

    Being still is also doing something because it takes tremendous effort and will power to do it.

    Very interesting post.

    Best wishes

    1. Its is difficult as we often have endless chatter going on in our heads.

  35. Being still is important... being still is hard... I need to practice this more. Thank you for dropping by my blog and comment Rhapsody... your comment was sweet ♡ xox

    1. You and me both (practicing being still that is)

  36. This sounds a lot like what we're told in tai chi. :- )

  37. Short and sweet. Being still is hard especially in our world today when everyone just wants to go go go. Making time to be still though very important is hard. I also liked that you mentioned being mindful. Mindfulness is key.

    1. it is challenging, a challenge that is well worth the effort i must say.

  38. Not easy to apply and put into practice even though we know it.

    1. It is said that "nothing worth having comes easy"

  39. Great post!

    I find that I tend to be all over the place whenever when I don't choose to 'be still'. I function better when I choose to stillness in a very busy world. I just wish I could be more consistent, I want it to be a life style.

    1. Oh its wonderful that you have learnt about the art of stillness and apply it on the regular, Keep it going and consistency will come.

  40. I saved my strength for myself my mood started lifting and within a coupe of weeks I feeling of my satisfied with life. I wish you a wonderful day!

    1. that is a good self-care practice.
      Thank you. You too

  41. This is such a valuable insight. I really need to think before I act more. Being still is definitely something everyone should try to instill into their character. I know a certain presidential candidate who could benefit from this.

    1. This is something we can all benefit from. Many of OS suffer from foot in mouth disease

  42. I really need to learn the art of being stll

    1. One day at a time, moment to moment it will come, don't be afraid to do inventory and implement lessons learnt.

  43. Yup, the art of being still is so very HARD. It is like patience sometimes. Maybe one of these years I will learn both. have a wonderful weekend...Hugs!

  44. A re-post? Good advice but challenge to do

    1. Yes this is a re-post. It is a challenge, one worth every effort because the beneficiary is YOU.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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