Jan 29, 2016


A woman approached me in the subway last week about my colouring. Her eyes were transfixed with interest as she watched me colouring. Joy radiated from her face. She looks behind her and then from side to side and whispers, "I colour in secret." I asked the obvious, "why?" She then softly shared her love of colouring and her reluctance to do it publicly because her "friends" and "loved ones" laugh and make fun of her.  This annoyed me. I said to her, "you have nothing to be ashamed of, It does not matter what others think........ 

I asked her, "does colouring bring you joy, give you a sense of peace? She answers, "oh yes, it relaxes me and makes me feel good." I stated, "if colouring brings you joy then colour to your hearts content and do not worry about what others have to say." 

I advised, "the next time you are colouring and someone makes fun of you, stop, look them directly in the eye and ask, 'what is the purpose and intent of you mocking and laughing at me? What is the goal and what is it you hope to gain? Do you wish me to feel ashamed and humiliated, so that you may feel powerful? 

She looked at me and said, "wow, that is a good, ought to shut them up." Just before I left to board my bus I said to her, "do what brings you peace and joy and stop worrying about what others think. Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one. What others think of you is none of your business, what you think of you is."

This me doing just that.....Colouring through the madness that can bleed through the everyday.

Sometimes it takes little effort to roll the stress of the day away and creatively maneuver, out maneuver and manage the tumultuous moments. A PEACE escape is sometimes necessary, a smooth mental interlude if you will. Below is my cost effective therapy....me colouring my way through the madness of the daily commute....

Lunch Break

Tranquil in Crazy Commute

Seeing Stars

Hearts in Circles

Eclectic Electric

Mindfulness Thought:
Before sharing your "opinion" think and ask yourself, 'what is my intent for conveying what I am about to say.' If you do not have an answer that is enlightening, uplifting and inspiring. Keep your opinions to yourself.

D.S.B.S.Rhapsody(c)All rights reserved.


  1. Hi Melody .. it's good you can reduce stress this way. I know many people are taking up the books .. etc Cheers Hilary

    1. Thank you. I read as well and other times i do puzzles.

  2. I, too, colour 'in secret', although it isn't intended to be secretive. With my movement disorders I tend to drop things or even fling them on occasion; I have a better chance of finding my lost pastels/markers at home than in a public venue.

    1. Makes sense, less expensive that way too. I am glad you have a way of soothing yourself. It sounds like a great coping skill for you with your disorder.

  3. your colouring is beautiful! I must admit it took me awhile to tell my friends that I have been doing art as a hobby and they all love my pieces today!

    1. Thank you. Isn't funny how we sometimes feel compelled to not share what brings us joy in fear of being judged? I am happy your friends are supportive. Greatest gift we can give ourselves is to just be.

  4. What others think of you is none of your business, what you think of you is!

    That is so true!!! If we focus on what others think of us, we lost sight of what's important. It gets us carried away from doing what makes us happy.

    1. Yes absolutely, to worry on others opinions is to lose sight of the important things that brings us joy and happiness.

  5. Good Day!
    Loots great and calming. Kind of like raking sand and gravel in a Japanese Garden.

    Enjoy your weekend, safe travels and stay warm.


    1. It is calming, a great gift in the madness of commuting.

  6. Your coloring projects are really nice. I've heard that it can be very calming. For me thought coloring hurts my hand if I do it too long. - I agree though if you have nothing to say that is beneficial to someone keep your opinions to yourself.

    1. Thank you. There is nothing that says you have to color for long periods. You simply take it a little at a time. I like to crochet (learnt freehand from the old folks) but I don't always do it, its a mood thing. Perhaps colouring for you might be like that. In that case I'd say get small pieces to color that won't take much time.

  7. Yes there is nothing to be ashamed of if ones love colouring. Coloring is like gardening...can calm the mind

    1. very true. Though gardening is not my cup of tea, i see the therapeutic benefits of it.

  8. I am so happy that you encouraged the woman on the train to do what she loves. We only live once and it is important to do what makes us happy and not live our lives for other people (or based on what they think we should do). I love to draw, and have not tried coloring- but have heard it is very relaxing. That is how I feel when I draw. I think I would like to try coloring because there is a limit to the page, while when I draw sometimes my stress release goes on for hours if the picture gets involved.

    Beautiful work and great advice. :)

    1. Thank you Jess. There is no much negative in the world why dish out any more. I could see the yearning and love for colouring on her face and in her expression hence the only true option is to affirm, validate and encourage.

  9. Coloring is such fun and so relaxing. I can see why adult coloring books have become so popular. Love your pieces.

  10. You are always dissing out such words of wisdom. It does us all well to mindful of just doling words for the sake of it. Your coloring is beautiful. I have gotten reacquainted with coloring lately.

    1. Mindfulness is key tends to curb one's mouth liberties.
      Thank you


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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