Jan 11, 2013


I am real

Not a figment of your imagination

Nor a punching bag for your frustration

Neither a latrine for your degradation

Or a direct consequence of your self-negation,

Lack of determination,


Inability to rise above the tribulation,

Inferiority complex,

Psychological instability,

Mocking with your psyche.

Escaping and manifesting through brutality

All to the detriment of me.



Mentally devastating,

Psychologically isolating,

Emotionally hostaging,

Physically debilitating,

The twist...

The break of the wrist.

The kick...

The cuff,

The snap of the hips

The slap...

The punch,

The fractured ribs

The choke...

The pinch,

The bruise in the skin

The black of the eyes

The stab...

The slice,

The scars on the thighs 

The rage sitting on your shoulder

Growing bolder and bolder

I am not the respectable.

Or an illusion to spew venom and condemnation

I am real

I am human


You may not spit and defecate on me





D.S.B.S.Rhapsody© All Rights Reserved.


  1. Wow! This is a very powerful peace, I enjoyed reading it.

    1. thank you, its been a while, i trust and hope you are well.

  2. Sorry I meant Piece it’s time for me to go to sleep LOL!!(smiles)

  3. Wow is right. Powerful words. So sad that it occurs. Even pitiful in that they don’t realize how sorrowful they are. You paint a vivid picture. I just hope that most of it is from the creative mind, and not the wounded body. More. Peace.

    1. hmmmmm, ever the analyst you are, its a good thing to read critically.

  4. This sure is a defiant declaration of purpose for the faithfull to follow and for the foes to challenge. Powerfully written.

    1. thank you,

      "faithful to follow and for the foes to challenge" hmmmmm...interesting take, thanks for sharing.

  5. That was very nice, now only if people would really listen.

    1. Thanks
      Well, people will listen only when they are ready or when life take the decision out of their hands.

  6. "D"
    WOW,(even though it’s already been said)!!!!!

    The TRUTH is so well spoken. You know, your words pretty well exactly describe the person who lashed out at you.
    Thanks for the lovely message you sent. You really are SPECIAL!

    1. Thank you?
      really? This piece was not motivated by that incident--I cannot lay any credit there.

      We are whom we choose to be, whatever/whoever that is.

  7. I do enjoy your visits, I enjoy your comments, I liked your contribution to the last poem I wrote re rut. I try and make the poems as symbolic as possible which means that what you read isn’t necessarly the same as what you feel, I agree with your suggestion of the valley but, I reckon it would have altered what I was seeing, if that makes sense. I’ll write something on the symbolic nature of the valley next or maybe I’ll write something on trust.

    Anyway……..I liked ‘I am real’ it ticked all the right boxes beautifully……your space is getting pretty flash as well, where’d you get the background from? Have a wonderful week………….xx

    1. Well.....
      it is perfect as is, my "suggestion" such as it were only bore fruit germinated by what you wrote.

  8. *oOouch!*
    sounds nasty… the pain. of cos, you are real.
    but are you writing this because you are still stung by that rude comment? i understand your anger at the transgression which perhaps wounded your integrity. (((hugs))) i know that you meant well and have a very kind heart despite the way you sometimes try to hide that with a tough front. i have had plenty of rude, geez! even lewd comments where some italian guy actually left photographs of his "apparatus." disturbing, was offended but really… whatever ugliness in the comments merely reflects on the person whom said it. after awhile, i just had to laugh at how ridiculous some people are.
    what im trying to say is sometimes people hurt us because, like you, they are learning and growing.
    Forgive their incompleteness, their humanness.

    1. Dawn, thank you for your comment and no it had nothing to do with the person’s rude comment. I let go of that comment the minute I addressed the issue. It is now for me a thing of the past. I hope that answer’s your question?

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your comments are always welcome. I’ve been reading some of your recent blogs. It seems people should exercise common sense when they post words on other peoples blogs and you did a good job of informing everyone on how to act. Keep up the good work! Gotta go. My spaceship is waiting. /////////// Doug ///////////

    1. You are welcome.
      Yeah well...
      I don't dwell on such negativity, like a fart in the wind it too shall pass.

  10. Hi!
    I learned long ago, any pain or suffering on hearing other people’s comments is not due to the comment, but due to my personal perception of the comment. And I learned also, to enjoy peace, to find my own bliss, and to keep moving in the direction of my own dreams, I gotta stop letting what other people say affect my own belief in myself.

    So, a simple attitude is "what you think of me, is none of my business" and move on.

    Remember, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never harm me.

    Have a great day,

    1. Finding ones bliss certainly is the key.
      hmmmmm...i beg to differ, sticks and stones break bones i.e. they hurt physically and words wound psyches i.e. they hurt emotionally.

      We all can benefit from choosing and minding our words carefully

  11. That was an amazing piece Fab…boy oh boy do I need some people in my life to read this!! Thanks for sharing!! *blessings* Theresa

  12. That was powerful and direct and absolutely stunningly done. You are extraordinarily talented.

    1. Thank you so much....
      sometimes it just comes and flows, i've learnt over the years to just let it and step out of the way.

  13. Hi Girly

    This is an extremely powerful piece of writing here. Who have eyes to see and ears to hear…..

    I’m still around here roaming, just haven’t been online for a few days. On weekends I avoid my computer like the plauge and yesterday I had a ‘rain day’ off and I just drove around doing some outside errands then did some household chores and lazed around until bedtime, but I’m still ticking as you could see!

    1. Well thats a good thing, health, strength, peace of mind, its all good.

      thanks for checking in and lending your voice in feedback.

  14. Wow! Very strong. Makes its presence known.

    Thanks for stopping in. The family and I are well. Just the usual everyday stuff that manages to make the day go by so fast sometimes. Have a great weekend! Mine starts tomorrow. Yay!!!!

    1. Thank you.

      much like abuse - it makes its presence known pyhsically, emotionally, psychologically and financially.

  15. Very strong poem and so true. I enjoyed visiting your blog.

    1. thank you G.I and i appreciate your visits and wisdom

  16. Hey Fab…you have a great weekend and please stop by and check out my man 10th – his poetry is fantastic too!! *Peace* Theresa

  17. Hello Fabulicious,
    I wanted to say hi, I hope you are having a good time there. Very Nice poem,, mmmm,, keep it up. Thanks for the messages you left on my blog
    God bless you and take care.

  18. have the best of weekends ..great post btw !

  19. Good Morning and thanks for visiting my hood’

    Interesting site, I’ll have to visit more often and I invite you to do the same.

    Great poem, hope the message there is heard by all who need to hear it.

    Again, thanks for visiting and have a good weekend.


    1. I hope so to, thanks....
      you too...
      will stop by the "hood" as you say.

  20. This is so truth that I can read again and again your present mind …By the way I had baby sitting my son’s dog.
    I trying to studies how much truth in the dogs wagging tales…that’s totally untruth …the dogs is wagging tales just right and left then nothing. I think you were right that they spent money for nothing.
    Have a nice weekend,

    1. thank you and you have a fantastic weekend. I trust you are rcovering nicely?

  21. A wise person has respect for others, listens, learns, and controls their words.
    Be well Fab…Greg

  22. WOW what a powerful piece of writing!

  23. hmm cool one.
    thanks for visiting my blog. wish you a happy day and weekend
    happy blogging..
    take care

  24. Hi Rhapsody, you are truly real and very grammatical!
    God bless you.

    1. "real & grammatical" lmao....
      thank you
      blessings be upon you as well.

  25. Passion!!! enjoyed being drawn into this piece of work!

    1. Thank you, i am glad you were able to pulled in and get a true sense of the feelings conveyed.

  26. Replies
    1. Thank you....we all have to access our power that lies within.

  27. This is a strong message,nothing equivocal,hard hitting and direct for those who fit the description.The underlying rage comes out in the piece clearly.

    1. Namaste my friend.....
      Rage huh, enjoyed your analysis.

  28. Beautiful Rhapsody,Pictured as i read. Power of Description.

    Have a Lovely Weekend...

    1. Ah Darling.....
      That is great compliment, thank you.
      A lovely weekend to you to.

  29. Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed it very much. I wonder what inspired it.

    1. Thank you, it is inspired by all the women who have experience violence.

  30. Wow, this was very powerful. I enjoyed reading it. You're real indeed and you know your worth.

    Also, I wanted to thank you for checking out my blog and commenting on my poem. I appreciate it

  31. I liked your post for its forceful style.
    I would always be on your right side as
    your pen is capable of tearing an individual to shreds
    or painting him in resplendent glory
    It is a powerful medium in your hand thanks to your command
    over the language and the ability to to articulate skilfully.
    I can never write like you.Some skills are inborn and not acquired.

    How are you?I hope the New Year brings you loads of cheer
    warm regards

    1. blessings and thank you
      You write well also, there is no need for comparison. I admire your many stories, we are all blessed and each bring something valuable to the table of the world to share.

  32. A very powerful prose Rhapsody. May each person faced with abuse see themselves as they truly are. Have a great weekend.

  33. This gave me the chills. Strong. Beautiful.

    ✗â„´ ♡

    +To Me It Matters+

    1. Thanks
      Blessings, welcome and thank you for stopping by.
      Chills is an appropriate and accurate response to such violence and demoralization. I would like to say this is fiction unfortunately it is not.

  34. wow! I won't lie, I kind of got scared while reading..because you sent out a strong message...yes, I AM REAL! Flesh and blood and have emotions!

    Thanks for checking on me.

    1. That's the key, we are all human no matter class, gender, ethnicity, religion, socio-economic standing or country we live-in/come from.

      You are welcome, glad all is well and its not any health issues/rather a computer one.

  35. Powerful Words and sometimes words unspoken , all is said here Rhapsody and so true.
    Hope you are well and the start of the New year has been good to you.

    Sheila :) x

  36. Woow! This is a powerful & deep piece.


  37. Hi Rhapsody,

    What a wonderful, powerful, well written piece. It brought to mind For Colored Girls When The Rainbow is Not Enuf. Nothing hollas like truth.

    Happy that you are still here and flourishing.

    Happy New Year!!

    Peace & Blessings,


    1. Really? I haven't seen "For Colored Girls" thank you.

      I am still here by the Grace of the Divine.
      Happy new year to you as well, may it be all you can be.....

  38. That is just perfect and depicts so much . You sure do have a way with words.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thanks for the encouraging words. God bless.

    1. Yes it does and you have keen observation.
      Thank you
      you are welcome

  39. I respect you and I love you. I will never put my hands on you other than to make you feel good. I will honor you and the name in which your parents gave you. I will honor you... I will caress your dreams and respect your wishes... I will even wash your dishes... I love you as I have loved my mother... I will cherish your very being... I will love you until the end of time... You are my Queen, my life, my treasure...

    1. Wow Clint.....
      passionate......thank you for sharing.

    2. You had to? Now I am intrigue, care to expound on that statement? "I had to"

    3. I had to share this with you because there me such as myself who loves the very existence of a woman... Who understand the true value of her. My grandmother instilled in me the principles of honor and respect for women... I just wanted to share with you and your readers a man's counter point to domestic abuse...

    4. Ah, thank you, thank you for the honor, the respect and the wisdom there-in. I to respect men especially those that respect and honor their selves and women.

  40. Beautiful one, RP. You are a person of worth and invaluable in the eyes of He who created you. This is an affirming post. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Thanks Unyime-Ivy. I will send you the poem just as soon as i get home.
      stay blessed and have a wonderful weekend.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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