Jan 31, 2016


The past two weeks I had a couple of encounters that left me shaking my head at people's dumb ass decision for which I am the unfortunate benefactor. 

The Phone:
I needed a new house phone. I did not want to pay $60+ so I elected to purchase a "cheap" phone, if one can call $20 + tax ($22.60) cheap. One evening after work I topped at
the the Giant Tiger store near me and pick up a phone. Out of the two selections I chose the white big number phone. It was a cold evening, the kind that encouraged no dilly dallying. I paid for my phone and went home. I unplugged the old phone ready to set up the new one and got the surprise of my life. There was no cord. Someone had stolen the phone cord that connects the receiver to the phone base. I double checked the box and sat back incredulously. "Are you kidding me!" I exclaimed. 

My daughter hearing my exclamation came running, "what" she asked. I told her. She said, "Oh, that's standard, people do that kind of stuff all the time." I looked at her. "I guess you have to go back to the store now and exchange it because if you wait until tomorrow they will not believe you." I looked at her cross eyed saying, "I am not going back out in the bloody cold. I will just call them, and let them know. They will remember me because i just left there 8 minutes ago." I called the store and explained the situation. The young woman announced to me, "we don't sell phones." I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then I asked, "is Jessica, the black woman still there?" "yes" she answered. "Can you put her on the phone please?" "Yeah, sure" 

"Giant Tiger, Jessica speaking." "Jessica, this is Rhapsody, I left your store a few minutes ago. I bought a phone and the receiver/base cord is missing." "Oh, hi Rhapsody, I remember you were just here, really? I am so sorry, hold on one moment I will check if there is another phone like the one you bought."  Jessica returned after a minute and said she had another with its cords if i could come by and pick it up. She apologized for the inconvenience. I thank Jessica, and asked if it would be ok to pick it up the next day." She agreed and put my name the new phone and left it at customer service for me. I got my phone, cord and all! 

The Library Book:
I am an avid reader. I read any where from 45 to 105 books a year, so I am always in the library. I had a few books on hold and got a pick up call. I utilize the branch nearest my work so its convenient to just drop in on my way home. I picked up 7 books:
  1. Spiritual nutrition
  2. The little book of energy, .
  3. The wishsong of Shannara , 
  4. Energy medicine for women 
  5. Me before you 
  6. The complete guide to crystal chakra healing 
  7. The annotated Sword of Shannara)
Yesterday I started, The complete guide to crystal chakra healing and made a horrifying discovery. There were pages cut out of the book! Cut out! Who does that? I mean for God sake, take a bloody picture, scan it or photocopy it. Why cut out the pages? What about the other person (i.e. ME) borrowing the book to read! Pages 21 to 26 (Wearing or carrying Crystals) was removed as well as pages 31 to 36 (Other benefits to crystals). Really! "Seriously, what kind of ghetto shit is that?" I was so pissed because i was just getting into the rhythm of reading the book. My daughter again heard me and asks whats the matter. I told her and she said, "Unfortunately mom, these things happen all the time, I had that all the way through school." I just hmmmmmp and sat quietly perturbed.

Why don't people understand that things just does not happen in a vacuum, there is a domino ripple affect. I realize some may not give a rats ass but damn, I hate being the unsuspecting recipient of others deliberate nasty deceitfulness. 


  1. That must be nerve wrecking, to have to experience such, all because of people's actions. But sadly it is the world we live in at this present day and time.
    How is everything else with you? Hope you keep your head up always. Warm greetings!

    1. It is bothersome. A simple thing yet an inconvenient thing for the person experiencing the loss.

      I am blessed you know. Taking each day with Grace.

  2. What terrible experiences you can only check so much before you buy.

    1. Exactly, sometimes its a case of you don't know till you know.

  3. Wow. This is really disheartening, and goes to show how our selfish decisions affects others, and might even have a ripple effect.

    I'm wondering how that first lady in the store didn't know they sold phones.

    1. It is, definitely its the ripple effect.
      Right! I didn't even have the tolerance to speak with her, she's a bit young and clueless which is why I asked to speak with Jessica.

  4. I have never had pages torn out of a book before, but sometimes I think some people have no regard for others. How sad that we are coming to this sort of situation in our public libraries. :-(

    1. Yes I know. I returned the book today and alerted the staff there. They thanked me for bringing it to their attention. I put another on hold, fingers cross that all the pages will be in tact.

  5. Stealing the cord from the phone. I've never heard of that one. What on earth purpose does that serve?!? I honestly didn't even know they still made corded phones lol.

    1. I supposed it serve their purpose, t'is why they were motivated to steal it.

      Yes dear they still make corded phones, my age showing? Well here's a tip, they don't have radiation like the new fandangle cordless and cells.

  6. Rhapsody, It just seems to get worse every day.

    1. At times it feels like it. though I hold out hope that a nice balance will be had.

  7. That's inconsiderate of the others who would later borrow the book. I hope you enjoy the others you checked out :)

  8. So sorry about the phone hassle, but I am glad you were able to get a new cord. How odd that it was missing. I have never had a library book with pages missing- though I once bought a book that was missing the last three pages. I had to go to a bookstore and read the last three there!

    1. That is pretty funny, going back to the store and reading the last 3 pages. They didn't do exchanges?

      yes the young woman there was kind enough to do an exchange.

  9. Huh! You read 45-105 Books a Year! chisos!! wowzzaa!! Thats even more than i have read all my 24 years 80 Days of existence eh!! Oh wow!! Thats plenRRy oh! **faints...

    About what they do! Well.. Guess that came with the new Millennium Bug! Everyone started wanting things the faster way :(


    1. LMAO.....
      I do read a lot. My television time has been cut drastically. I view maybe 5 shows a week and less when my favorite shows are on hiatus and pretty much zero in the summer.

  10. Here I am wishing I get to read half of the book you read in a year, that is a whole lot.

    Library books and missing pages, that is so common down here in Nigeria.

    1. Thank you Lara.
      There should be a system to check pages when returning and charges laid, i bet it would be a deterrent for those thieves.

  11. Oh no that's awful Rhapsody...People they just don't give a Toot! Very annoying indeed.
    Enjoy your weekend.
    Sheila x

    1. It does take the wind out of your sail that's for sure.

  12. In the infamous words of my grandmother Clara Williams, "God has to create dumb people to keep smart people in line..." I never understood that statement and I guess it's a southern thing or saying, but it holds a lot of water where I'm from because there were a lot of stupid people where I grew up...

    1. I am smiling here, "God created dumb people to keep smart people in line" ah'ight gotcha
      ooooh damnnnnnnn....shaking my head


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