Jul 30, 2015

17 Sunsets–I’m addicted

Sunsets, I love them. I can never get enough, they simply take my breath away. Last night I ran out on the balcony with my bra and panty to take these shots, it was hot like a muddah!  It was sweltering even my sweat was vex with itself.



  1. Sunsets is a time that says to me, no matter how much you have endured, your troubles will go away, just keep up the hope...
    It's really beautiful to capture those moments...lovely shuts.

    1. Yes, it is reaffirming to life and the importance of moving forward.

  2. Truly beautiful and mesmerizing clouds in the sunset. I always enjoy a good sunset and I think its the most wonderful thing ever. Nice of you to share this. How are you lovely, hope life's been good to you lately. Best wishes always!

    1. It is breath taking.
      Thank you.
      Life's been good thanks

  3. Just beautiful pictures! And I know what you mean about it being so hot. It's hot here, too. :-)

    1. Thank you.
      I've been living in my birthday suit at home if you know what i mean.

  4. Those are awesome photos. Such breathtaking skies. It's hot by you too, hunh? It's HOT and HUMID here which I hate.

    1. Thank you....
      yes its humid, its the humidity that gets me, feels like you are sucking asphalt and breathing salt.

  5. I know what you mean about sunsets. I'm the same way.
    Beautiful shots Rhapsody!

    1. Yes i know, i still have those photos you sent me from Martha's Vineyard.

  6. Awe its so beautiful. Nature has a way of speaking to us and that through its artwork of the sky and clouds.

    1. Yes it does, I try to always pay attention, the rewards are breath taking.

  7. Sunsets are always different all ways come up time I had all my heard and my body with so good nothing to do sofar no raining for my place..
    I'm sorry about Susets Dear Replies!

  8. You have given me something to ponder on and I love it!


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