Jan 12, 2015



I could have

I didn't

That is what freedom of choice allows me to do

Deal with it



Either way

It is

As I chose it to be




  1. R Michael/artist-poet/activistJanuary 12, 2015 at 12:24 AM

    Hey, just cruisin’ around, stopped by. Enjoyed your blog. Good Rap with great meaning. I like your statement "get over it", I use use it often. And, also you reminded me of an old conversation I had with my Grand-Father (A of G Minister) about white lies. Your comment on "not everything needs to be said". My GF told me when faced with a situation where you felt that what you had to say might really harm someone. Either work your way around it, don’t say it, or if faced with an extreme situation where you have to respond, use "the white lie" he said. That’s a comment that causes no harm but may not be the whole truth. The instance I’m referring to was when my Grand-Mother came home wearing black patent leather go-go boots (Nancy Sinatra, boots are made for walking), and a mini skirt. She asked me if I thought she was beautiful, and I had to say "Yes", even though she actually looked very ridiculous (Sorry Grandma) it had to come out. Well enough rambling, I’ll be back, keep up the thought formations. RR

    1. Great that i can bring forth good memories. Thanks for sharing your time browsing and reading my posts. I much appreciate.

  2. Freedom of choice, what a novel concept.
    Great post thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, to choose or not to choose that is the decision! hehe....
      You are welcome

  3. oooooooooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk,God Bless you and Hotep

  4. Short, sweet, and soooo to the point. Very nice, poetess. Peace.

    1. Thank you, sometimes it all can be said in a few words.

  5. We are blessed to have freedom of choice. Even more of blessing when we use it wisely.

    I hope you have a very blessed week my friend.

  6. "I’ve had choices, since the day that I was born, there were voices that told me right from wrong." Words from a song sung by my very favorite singer, George Jones. I think I will get it out and put it on my space. If you will stop by later today I should have it on there.
    Great topic, I agree, we should all be allowed to make our own choices.

    1. Thank you.....
      I trust you are healing nicely. I will stop by later today.

  7. hi fab. i like and agree with your words above, btw. thanks for your comment. And i hope the damaged parts of your body are recovering after your fall. that black ice is wicked stuff! though, in honesty, we don’t get much ice here these days. global warming or wotever,when i was a kid we had plenty of snow for sledging and snowball fights and the rest. these days, it seldom stays on the ground for more than a couple of hours. be lucky, my friend. phil

    1. Thank you....
      Yes i recovered well although the memory lingers! lol, lol, lol, I can even laugh at myself.

  8. Our choices do get slimmer by the day.

    1. hmmmmmmm, i suppose....? but do they really or is it that we have given ourselves perimeters by which to adhere hence narrowing the scope of our choices.

  9. Can you believe it's only eight weeks..I was in my local supermarket at the weckend and couldnt help naticing all the decorations which lat's face it,help prabably been there since just after New years days.
    That means it really is happening and I'm sure many of I will be already planning thinking about where and how my spent the day itself.
    I know there will be other wholive me.will vow to be hightle organised this year and then end up discovering at few days my time.

    1. Time waits on no one for any reason, it simply matches on.

  10. I'm glad for the freedom of choice, but I wish it wouldn't take me so long to make up my mind.

    1. Be patient with yourself, it takes what it takes, its your process, just accept.

  11. Hello Greetings.

    Great subject to ponder over in the new year.

    Many things we do and many things we don't do because we exercise our freedom of choice. Even if we don't do anything it is still a choice made by us. Even murderers and thieves make a choice while committing the crime. Some choices we make by imitating the choice made by others. Sometimes we have many alternative choices before us and we chose one of them.

    Lovely post on choices. Best wishes.

    1. Yes even when we refuse to choose we have chosen, well said.

  12. You've got a beautiful blog dear
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  13. Excellent. Life is what we make it out to be

  14. Most important that you choose to be you and not try to be someone else. Have a great Sunday. Look fwd to some more Whitney songs.

    1. very true, its imperative that we be our authentic selves who ever that is and understand that we are enough as we are.

    2. very true, its imperative that we be our authentic selves who ever that is and understand that we are enough as we are.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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