Jul 25, 2013

30 Life Is Short…

Life is too short, precious and fragile to lie to oneself. Keep it real and live and authentic life. --D.S.B.S.Rhapsody.

Currently reading…

reading1THE BLESSINGS SERIES by Beverly Jenkins

Book 1: Bring on the Blessings

Book 2: A Second Helping

Book 3: Something Old, Something New

Book 4: A Wish and a Prayer

Reading Statistics…70 books read (58%)


  1. ohh thats the perfect mantra to living a happy and harmonious life i feel…
    if only more n more people subscrib to this belif..
    so how are you doing?
    me just cooling off….
    nice day

    1. I am doing wonderful....I trust you are as well.

  2. I’m trying to live an authentic life. Sometimes I lose my way but I redirect my path. Thanks for the tip about the ice cubes. I’ll definitely try it. I had a wonderful day. Got off from work an hour and a half earlier than usual, went home relaxed for a while, then hung out with a friend for a few hours. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

    1. You and me both.
      great that you are taking time to smell the roses (so to speak).

      My weekend was good, am sick though but blessed regardless.

  3. not lying to oneself, being able to express oneself honestly, that my friend is not easy to do.Having said that, yeah~ lying to one self is not only delusional but it leads to a whole slew of other problems.

    1. It is not easy to do but doable and well worth it.

  4. I bet you are enjoying your reading.

    Have a splendid weekend, Greg

    1. Absolutely am enjoying my reading. Just finished the BLESSING SERIES and starting The Hatwearer's Lesson by Yolanda Joe and Dangerous Dilemmas by Evelyn Palfrey

  5. We are on the same page relating to pride and ego. Both can be destructive, and properly recognized they can be one of our greatest tools by which we live life by example before others. You are a joy to me my new friend. May our friendship grow in harmony of mutual respect and devotion to spiritual growth.


    1. Oh you are so right about pride and ego, absolutely destructive.

      thank you.

  6. Hi,

    Suddenly I find this informative site.
    All the information will help me to select the book for reading or have some essence from your



  7. Oh I just asked about your reading…..now I know.

  8. The golf game was really made the game of golf since the publication of Harvey Penick's Little Red Book The techiques that can help my gain greater power,discusses the paychological hurdles and I must overcome to improve my game.
    and gives his tips for developing the parts of the game.
    Thank you very much.

    1. Your love of golf will help with your desire to improve. happy golfing.

  9. I will try... I finally have time to do a little reading again. Yae!

  10. How are you doing, interesting books I hope?

    1. I am doing great, as for as interesting for the most part yes.

  11. The ability to live in our truth is freedom indeed.

  12. Lying to yourself may seem like an advantage at that moment, but it weakens the experience when you do get what you want. It is not earned honestly and those lies will catch up and then Karma may want a word with you.
    Enjoy your words, just writing and staying busy. Have a peaceful weekend friend!

    1. Self-dellusion can be problematic
      Karma is a bit*h

  13. Once you think it, it's thought. Once you say it, it's said. Nothing left to be said, you said it all! Beautifully said and very well written, I love it.

    Have a great day tomorrow, my friend. Happy Sunday!

  14. Be true to oneself treasure the smaller things in Life. Be happy the best way you can , ...I think you love to read Rhapsody Enjoy! Sheila x

    1. exactly.....
      I think by cultivating the habit of daily reading has turned it into a love.


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