Mar 20, 2019


I call it the endless loop of brilliance.
Toronto Transit Commisson (TTC) Tokens 
It's sold a billion times over & will till infinity and back.
It's continuously resold
You pay to borrow it.
You give it back through usage then you have to buy it again! Fricking genius!

Did you follow that? No? Then allow me to break it down.

You purchase tokens to ride the TTC system i.e bus, train, streetcar. Five tokens will cost you $15 that is basically two days travel back and forth and one day one way travel. Twenty days is approximately 40 tokens = $120.00. Fifty tokens = 1 month will cost you $150.00. Those tokens you've purchased you give back to the TTC system each time you pay your fare using said tokens then those same tokens are resold again and again as the are return via usage. Essentially a billion plus gain on a one time cost to create. Bloody marvelous I tell yah, just fricking brilliant.

The cost of creating those tokens has paid for themselves a trillion times over. It's endeavor to keep making copious amounts of money for an eternity unless the phase them out completely.


  1. You’ve certainly created an interesting post, I really enjoyed reading here. This is so unique and really different. You explained this well. Thank you for sharing it.

    Enjoy the rest of the week, dear friend!

    1. They will be ending the tokens july 2019. it will be a great loss of revenue


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