Dec 30, 2017

28 Pessimist or Optimist

Life - simple, complex, evolutionary, movement

Choices - everyday in every moment

Consequences - good, bad, ugly, irrevocable 

Experiences - Influencer, determinant, vision

Development - Choice, determination, infinite

Evolve - Constant, evoking

Whether pessimist or optimist these words hold true.
Life - simple, complex, evolutionary, movement
Choices - everyday in every moment
Consequences - good, bad, ugly, irrevocable 
Experiences - Influencer, determinant, vision
Development - Choice, determination, infinite
Evolve - Constant, evoking

(C) D.S.B.S.Rhapsody aka Rhapsodyphoenix


  1. Lovely photos interesting musings.

  2. Lovely photos and words! I'm definitely an optimist. In fact, I call myself a "pathological optimist," because I've always made the effort to find the silver lining in every situation. Happiness is a state of mind... and a choice. We may not be able to control what goes on around us, but we DO have the ability to choose our response.


  3. The pictures are stunning.I am in between optimist and Pessimist but lean more towards optimism

    Happy New Year!

    1. Blessings and happy new year. Ah Lara to lean more toward optimism means you have hope. Life with hope if full of wonders.

  4. Such wonderful and peaceful pics that would be perfect on cards. As always, your words are wonderful and make sense. Hugs...Happy New Year! RO

    1. Blessings and Thank you Ro.
      I receive your hugs and hug you right back.
      have a blessed and healthy 2018

  5. Glorious images !Nice thoughts.Are you a management guru ?

    1. Namaste.......
      hahaha, management Guru eh. Hmmmmmmm, I will embrace that as a compliment of the highest order.

      Thank you.

  6. Optimist. Pessimist. Both are choices. Pretty pics :)

    1. Absolutely and our choices determine what we will inevitable have to deal with (good or not so good) as a result.

  7. Dear collector of astonishing sunsets, Thank you for visiting my blog. I live with a photographer and delight in following --via GFC-- the skills of yet another.

  8. I liked this very interesting. I hope this finds you well. What have you been up to?

    I've been bike riding and taking photos of nature on my rides. I love it and it's made me really healthy. I lost over 60 pounds 2 years ago and kept it off.

    I'm working on a book (self-publishing) for children and adults. Bedtime poetry. I've been working hard for years have 100's of poems and short stories now so it's time to finally do my books.

    Have a great weekend! Big hug!

  9. BTW, I think I'm an optimist but at times I wonder. Lol!

  10. Absolutely stunning photos to start off the year! I'm wishing you a glorious 2018!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Beautiful photo's which sums up life , I wish I were more optimist Rhapsody


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