Aug 9, 2017


Circling • Trying to find a decent park for a reasonable price - Can you say needle in a hay stack?
Impromptu family trip to Niagara Falls (NF). My niece (K) is visiting from the UK. She planned on going to NF on Sunday however her plans fell through at the last moment. I told her to call up my sister (her other aunt) and ask if she was working Monday. I was off - Civic Holiday. Turns out my sis was off too, so we (my mom, niece, sister & I) made the last minute plan to go.

Planned Meeting time 9:00 am (K & I are ready)
Actual pickup: 11:30 am (mom & sis arrived)

Short Notice Quick Menu:
1 bucket of Kentucky chicken
Freshly baked bread (stopped by bakery)
Cheese paste (spread)
Drinks: water, coconut water, peanut punch

Technological Necessities:
Digital camera √
Cell phone √

Non technological items:
Book/Eugenics: The future of Human Life in the 21st Century √
Fill-it-in puzzle book√
Pen√ (cause we don't do puzzle w/pencil)

Niagara falls • It rained all through, big drops, little drops, drizzles and buckets. None of which stopped us from having a damn good time.

Guess what we didn't have --- umbrellas!
Can you imagine what we would have done if we did have time to plan?


  1. I agree it sure looked like a damn good time!! Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  2. Great post, because Niagara Falls is an awesome sight. I love it when family come together and enjoy the simple things in life.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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