Aug 3, 2017


A little taste of yesteryear • Operating and Riding the freight elevator. Why you ask? Well the newer model broke down • The first time I operated and rode this I was terrified • It stopped between #floors because I didn't press correctly, my #heart was in my mouth. I took a breath, self-talk "just breathe it will be alright, don't panic, think." I Prayed, "Lord, merciful Father, Jesus, forgive me my laziness, I didn't want to walk down 5 flights of stairs in the quiet building, so I opted for the lesser of  two evils + it is quicker. I am trusting in you Lord to get me through. I am going to help myself so you can help me." I took another breath and pressed basement (Street level- who knew!) and Lord have mercy I saw the light of the exit and the streets. I said so much thank you to the Divine I am sure he keeled over laughing saying, "this child of mine is a riot." I did learn a great lesson though - take time to think before letting panic set in and take over. Ever get stuck in an elevator?


  1. So glad you are ok panic situation for sure!

    1. Yes indeed
      I managed to push through the fear and think

  2. Oh my. That would have made me super anxious too. I love that you prayed through it. I would have done the same thing. I have never been on a freight elevator. And I don't think I ever want to. ;)

    1. It sure did
      Prayer was the answer to me staying calm in the storm of my fears

  3. Never travelled in a freight elevator ! Havent got stuck in an elevator as yet. But I can imagine it could be quite frightening!

    1. It certainly can.
      Glad you've never had the experience

  4. Hi Rhapsody I haven't had the opportunity to ride in that type of elevator and thankfully I have never been stuck in an elevator.

    1. Hey Wanda
      Thankful is a great place to be
      Now that I can revel being stuck in - thankfulness lol

  5. No,I never got stuck in an elevator.But i think it would be very much frightening.Thanks God that u come out from that freight elevator in time..

    Have a nice day..

    1. Indeed it was frightening SRC
      MY heart was beating out my chest


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