Jul 30, 2016

8 Drama–Sometimes your neighbour’s drama ends up being your drama

Comic book door knocking
4:26 am there is a banging coming from somewhere in the building I had just gotten up for a bathroom run with all intention of going right back to sleep, ha, what a joke. The fool whoever he was kept that noise up till 5:25 am. He went from banging to slamming, to kicking, to knocking, to what sounded like full body throws against the door. The way my building is set up sounds carry through. Finally in what must have been desperation the man went into pleading, calling her name which to my ear wasn’t comprehensible followed by, “honey, please, let me in, honey, open the door.” I texted the Super just before 5am but by 5:25 am I just about had enough. I got out of bed, pulled up my blinds and shouted, “If you don’t stop that incessant banging I will call the police!” it was like a take a ghetto take from one of those movies in the hood. I laugh to myself thinking, ‘woman, you couldn’t just call the Super?’ The end result, it worked, he stopped banging and pleading, only now, I can’t sleep.
*Sigh – Sometimes you do not always have the luxury of not getting involved, instead you are involuntary pulled into someone’s drama that in the subtext has nothing to do with you yet it impacts due to proximity.


  1. LMBO. Apartment living. You're hardly ever excluded from your neighbors' business.

  2. I know what you mean... I have had to get involved when I had no desire but when they are your neighbors and you can hear so much of it... it becomes inevitable... besides it would take my landlord too long to deal with it xox

    1. Yeah...sometimes its possible to just do the necessary to get results.

  3. We have had some really awful neighbors like that, but recently we have been blessed with quiet neighbors. Apartment living, indeed. :-(

    1. Yeah, it took some adjustment to apartment living. I'd never live in an apartment until i came to this country.

  4. Sorry to hear this , I am lucky for I live in the Country , not always quiet as you may think. Take care Rhapsody x

    1. Life is as it is, we do our best with it as it rolls forward.

      I bet sunsets and sunrises are marvelous where you are.


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