Sep 16, 2012

44 Reflecting - Arising out of a conversation with a friend

Sometimes the most challenging thing one can experience in life is getting clear, and focused about achieving our own sense of balance and purpose. At times the journeyed complexities of balancing work, living, learning, loving, and relationships clogs the brain, mutes the voice and deafen the intuition so that we barely recognize ourselves. We become alienated from our center, displaced in our own skins, minds, and bodies and desensitized to how we become participants and perpetrators of our own hurts. It becomes necessary then in order to heal, grow, and gain particular insight to self to become still, to be silent, and honest about the things that fill us up, hinder us, block our paths, and muddy our way.


I believe that clarity of mind, spirit, and purpose seizes to flow fluently into excellence when it’s fogged in by toxic resistances cloaked in

Regret, Guilt, Sorrow, and Shame.

The defeatist rational, of I could have, I should have, I would have, if only vacillates,

blocking the blessing determinedly fighting to infuse you into a coerces surrender of

I give up, I give in

Do not be fooled

You are stronger than you think.

Can excel further than you can imagine.

Can accomplish more than you think humanly possible.

The key?

Get out of your own way

Proactively remove the unproductive mindless clutter

Make room for new and unexplored visions, dreams, and possibilities

Follow up with action

Make it happen

Construct those realities’

By …

Meticulously changing the things that can be changed

Unreservedly accepting the things that cannot be changed

Forgiving yourself your humanness

Learning from your mistakes

Freeing yourself from closeted humiliation

Getting the lessons from lived and shared experiences

Internalizing its wisdoms bequeathed you

And acting on the knowledge’s it conveys

To gain…

Clarity of Mind, body, spirit, and purpose


Peace, much love



By D.S.B.Rhapsody © All rights Reserved.


  1. I really needed to read this, thank you for this.

    1. Glad I can offer something that is needed and wanted. Have a blessed week.

  2. Forgiving our own humanness has to be one of the hardest things to do.

    We always expect to be perfect in all we do, although we cannot be perfect in all ways and in all things.
    Great post.

    Have a wonderful week

  3. It is difficult sometimes to get out of ones own way, but we have to keep trying otherwise we will get to a boiling point where we explode.

    1. Oh tell me about it! yeech we can be stubborn, yes we must endeavor to try

  4. You gave me much to think about in this post. Thank you.

    1. hmmmmmm....I enjoy generating thought. Get well soon

  5. Namestey friend. Nice post. I believe its easier to center inside and gain back the peace and strength, than depend on others to do it for us. A master is one who is very loving, caring and compassionate but as soon he is dependent on outside sources for happiness and joy, he ceases to be a master and becomes a slave, it may be of any thing, situation or person…

    Wishing you peace and joy…be master of yourself… start walking in that direction, it takes practice and time no doubt but the rewards are great…one is happy on the journey it self…journey back to the self.

    1. hmmmmmm, thoughtful, thank you for the parable and peaceful wishes

  6. It is true that we are sometimes our own worst enemies and we need to ‘step back’ and regroup. Thanks for the words of inspiration!

    1. You can say that again, step back to regroup is truly essential if we are to gain any footing into moving forward positively.

  7. Ths is an amazing and insightful post. Oftentimes we are so caught up what can’t do that we never get to what we can.

    Take care of that headache, look forward to your comments on my last post.
    Have a great weekend,

  8. Hi!
    Thanks for stopping by.
    Yes, Clarity of mind, sanctity of purpose, simplicity of body, divinity of spirit, they ultimately bring us Love, Peace, Joy and Growth.
    Be well my friend.

    1. Ah billy you got it in few words and nicely layed out. Thanks for your wisdom

  9. I can see why you would pick Counselor on my questions quiz. You definatley would do well at it. If you arent one already? I should have specified that on that quiz, below the questions, were my answers only. They were not choices that others had to choose from. I do agree that if I had to pick any Oprah episode it would be the favorite things show…lol

    This was a great post. I need to be reminded of these things, often.


    1. Thank you, I have done it yes in a professional capacity though its not my profession per say.

  10. hey Fab:been a tad ill, is why im here like only now. shall come back soon to read up on all the posts i missed. and as always your comments allow for me to stand on an alternative plane to view. thanks. hope all’s well with you and yours. i missed our girl talk on msn much… one day, dawn

  11. ‘bit clearer in the the head now, i’d agree wih what you’ve said. well-written, brilliant thoughts. but in bid to beg a ponder…emotions are often unruly and do not heed our attempts to control them. many times, upon reflection… instead of clarity and doing what is "good", logical for self… seldom do i find shades of black and white. rather i see greys… maybe its the pains of growing up— not bad just sometimes sad. i find self not needing but very much wanting what maynt be "good" for me… something.. something else. *sighs!*p.s: thank you for your kind thoughts, for truly caring. although i cannot claim to have known you for a long time… this vertical axis in which we journey… makes me feel close to you. i hope all is well with you.p.p.s: you are a good person and deserve much happiness in life!! with all my affection, d2d

    1. hmmmmm, therein lies the rub, what we want and what is good for us is not always in alignment.

      Thank you, as do you.

  12. "Don't be fooled. You are stronger than you think" YES!

    I've nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. The details are on the Slim . . .

    Looking forward to your next post.

    1. We absolutely are!
      Oh thank you, i will come by and pick up my award.

  13. You are absolutely correct. Clarity in everything in life is essential. I am currently chasing my passion and dreams - traveling, seeing,photographing,sharing through blogs etc etc. I have retired from a long Sales & Marketing career but not yet retired from life.
    Regards & Best wishes

    1. Wow wonderful, not many live their dreams and chase their passion.

  14. Getting out of our own way as you have so nicely put or stepping back as Renuka has suggested is perhaps the key to get a dispassionate and balanced view of things.
    I liked the post.

    1. Thank you, yes getting out of our way and stepping back is some of the keys, we but only have to DO IT.

  15. A friend of mine once summed up what you said when she was going through a particularly tough time, "You are your own worst enemy."

  16. You just know when to push the Keep calm & Focus button. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thats a unique way of putting it. Thanks for your input.

  17. You have a way of stating life's truths so eloquently.

    1. Thank you kay, sometimes the words just flow, I like to say it comes through me from the Divine.

  18. I agree with Kay, Rhapsody, you have such a beautiful writing style. I think I need to do a bit of recentering myself. Hope you're enjoying a great weekend.

    1. Its quiet, recentering is good, in this world we live in its so easy to go off kilter.
      thank you.

  19. One important lesson I recently learned was that life is a journey, not a race. And that every experience should be savoured along the way, not rushed through to get to the proverbial finish line. This thought process has allowed me to ease my way step by step into uncharted waters, not knowing where I was going, but trusting that with courage, passion, patience... and most importantly faith... I would end up where I was supposed to be, when I was supposed to get there.

    It has now been over four years since I made the biggest and most important choice of my life. Along the way I discovered my own truth and learned how to live a life that felt good to me. My journey certainly has had its twists and turns, and what a thrilling ride it has been so far. The best part is that since I made that choice over four years ago, my life has been filled with all the adventure, passion, and purpose I signed up for, and all my dreams are becoming my reality!

    What a wonderful entry!

    1. Ah what an important lesson, whats great about you learning is your ability to implement the knowledges gained from the experience. So often many of us know yet don't know how to truly implement and weave that knowing into living it out.

      Thank you for sharing this, i feel inspired.

  20. Beautiful post. I am quite inspired by this. It is imperative that we come to terms with our humanity, change what we can, accept what we cannot, and learn from our mistakes. Apt!!!

    1. Thank you Unyime-Ivy, I am glad you were able to gain inspiration as life can certainly be challenging!


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