Jan 10, 2016


Rape-aXe aka  RapexAnti rape condom for women.
Question: Did you know that a female condom was invented to catch rapist and give women an opportunity to escape their rapist?

I love to read and every so often I search for articles of interest. You know what “they” say (don’t know who “they” are) no news is old news. In that spirit I am sharing what I consider relevant news on a article or about Rape-aXe aka Rapex. 

Rape-aXe aka  Rapexis an Anti rape condom for women designed by Dr. Sonnet Ehlers to help stop/reduce the pandemic incidences of rape, a deterrent to rapists, to seek justice for rape survivors . The Rapex condom is worn like a tampon. It has teeth lining the inside of the condom that hooks on and bites into the penis and stays embedded. If the man tries to remove the rapex condom himself he will literally shred his penis. The rapex condom can only be removed surgically, hence presenting a chance to catch the rape perpetrator. Now some of you might be say “what the hell?” “That is barbaric!” and be outraged and horrified.

Me, I say yes! Yes! Yes! And hell to the YES to the 100th power yes! RAPE is beyond BARBARIC and its impact is devastatingly horrifying on every level (physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually) not to mention the residual impact on families. Viewed singularly the rapex condom might be deemed by some as extreme. I say no, not if you put it in context, let’s look at the big picture. According to Nation Master Crime Statistics, South African is ranked first for rapes per capita.  A staggering 500, 000 rape cases per year were reported according to www.irinnews.org in an article called SOUTH AFRICA: One in four men rape (must read). That is 1,370 cases a day! A day, Sweet father Jesus, a day; I mean if you want to get mathematically technical its 1,369.863 but that’s just splitting hairs, either way the number is astronomically ridiculous and horrifying and it speaks volumes of the prevalence of sexual violence of pandemic proportions. I mean it is estimated that a woman/girl is raped every 26 seconds! Are you F****** kidding me?

What the hell are the governments, politicians, policy makers and police in South Africa doing or not doing that rape is normalized to the degree that it has become a culture. A rape culture that produces a proliferation of rapists - men and boys who believe that RAPE is normal, that rape is a rite of passage, that RAPPING women/girls is fun? Again, are you F****** kidding me? After reading Africahttp://news.bbc.co.uk/furniture/nothing.gif South Africa's rape shock on BBC news network online I incline to believe I am living in an alternate universe. Somebody wake me up quick because am choking on this shit. I mean, what kind of nightmare world are we living in?

I fully understand Ehlers motivation behind creating Rape-aXe aka  Rapex the female condom because this is pure madness. Seriously one no longer has to wonder why HIV/AIDs are ravishing young girls and women because their bodies are the battleground on which the war is fought and oppression and psychic torture is sewn. God help us all. I hope Rape-aXe aka Rapex was marketed and produced and is readily available to all women and girls in any country where rape is the norm.

If you have any updated info on Rape-aXe aka Rapex let me know via your comment.

Join the fight on violence against women.

*1 in 3 women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime, that’s ONE BILLION WOMEN AND GIRLS


photos from online I billion campaign


  1. Rape is a very terrible thing and its incredible that it still occurs daily in many regions of the world. Thanks for spreading the awareness, and more power to you.
    Warm greetings, and have a nice week!

    1. The impact of Rape/sexual violence is traumatic on so many levels. the
       Fear
       Inadequacy
       Worthlessness
       Shame
       Self-hate
       Depression
       Anxiety
       Powerlessness
      that ensues takes a psychological told and effects every level of daily living.

  2. Wow! That is deep and interesting news, and those stats are staggering. Thanks for passing this on. Hugs...

    1. horrifyingly staggering indeed, makes my heart ache

  3. I agree that rape is a horrible horrible thing. I found your article interesting as I have never heard of this and the anti-rape condom a good idea. Hopefully the man would be in so much pain he wouldn't resort to any other violence against the woman. I wonder how easy these devices will be to get and how inexpensive they will be.

    1. That is part of the idea for it to be a deterrent to acts of sexual violence against women. I don't know if Rapex went beyond the introductory stage, I can find no data. One can only hope, with the 500,000 rape statistic, clearly its needed.

  4. Great to know about this new product.

    1. It is not known if it has been marketed or produced. One would hope.

  5. Like you said, rape is beyond barbaric and I have a feeling these condoms will catch on fast as long as they're are approved and allowed to go to market. That is where there may be a bit of a battle because sadly, a lot of the decision makers are probably guilty of the crime that needs prevention here. That being said, I have also believe some women would take things too far and simply use these devices as a method of punishment should their man offend them. Or simply use them to set people up. My thoughts.

    A Thin Line

    1. Anything that is created to do good can be used in the opposite way, much like birth control became part of the Eugenics movement with the express intent to control women's reproductive system with sterilization, especially women of African descent and those that fall under "Other" i.e. latina women etc.

  6. Personally, I think this anti rape condom will help in countries where rape is the norm and where the authorities are not able to do anything and the women are the helpless victims.

  7. It scares me to think of being attached to an enraged man. And no way to escape! I cannot imagine this scenario ending up being beneficial to the already traumatized woman.

    1. It is a scary situation. The women won't be attached. The condom is attached to the rapist, when he pulls out it comes out with him, he cannot remove it. The idea being the woman has an opportunity to run while he is incapacitated with the rapex attached to his penis.

  8. Rape is a very terrible thing. I don't think anyone leaves their home wanting to be raped, hence not being prepared by wearing the said condom.

    More things should be done to prevent rape, more education and raising young men right and more defensive strategies for women.

    1. Absolutely education is key, and that is being done. Unfortunately education takes time, it is a slow process that is comes up continually against systems of patriarchy etc.

  9. This is definitely a start. Education though, is really going to be the greatest combatant to rape and rape culture. Even though it should be common sense that you shouldn't rape people, it clearly isn't.


    1. Yes LadyNgo, you are echoing Akibo's sentiment which i concur, the challenge is while education around Rape/sexual violence, violence against women is being taught to find immediate solutions rising incidences and re-occurrences of RAPE. It has to be a 2 fold approach

  10. Even though we have come a long way in women's right, there is so much work to still do. Rape culture is a horrifying thing that hurts, sickens, and kills women.

  11. I heard about the condom some time last year and I was glad about it even though people cited instances that some ladies might want to use it for blackmail. Despite it all, when a woman says No, she means No! Rapists need to be punished and fast too!
    Nice article!

    1. Everything/anything that can be used for good can be alternatively used for bad. When they first started to genetic testing it was to find the cause of crippling diseases, to isolate said gene, isolate and find a cure then there were those who took it for profit in "natural selection" for the "perfect" child, discarding fetuses like garbage.

      With that rape statistic so pandemic and government policies and education slow in action something is needed in the interim hence Rapex, while it may not be the perfect solution, at least somebody is doing something rather than just talking the issue to death with no action while women and children continue to be raped and their minds and bodies decimated like its no big deal. There has to be accountability for the rapist and strict law penalties should be indoctrinated by government. They all have mothers, daughters, aunts, sisters, hello! They need to wake up , act more and talk less.

  12. I do not see the anti-rape condom as a solution. I feel it would be abused. I guess that is why it is not really in the market.
    A lot has to be done about the rape issue. I think the condom can work only in a case where there is a suspected rapist and then he is targeted for tangible evidence to aid his prosecution.
    But nice innovation all the same


    1. Education is the ultimate solution however it is slow and arduous process. In the short term Rapex is a band aid solution but its a solution of sorts while the policy makers and government ring their hands and murmur ah wo ah wo and do nothing.

  13. I think this condom should be marketed more. This is the first time I'm hearing about it.

    Can virgins wear this condom?

    The Year called 2015 - My life as the Boss of all

    1. I don't know if it was successfully marketed but I echo your centiment for sure, something has to be done, young girls and women should not be made to believe that being rape/sexually violated is a rite of passage.

    2. regarding your question, condoms/virgins - can they wear it. I suppose they could. It is noted that it is worn like a tampon and some virgins are know to use tampons. I see your concerns in regards to perhaps breaking the hymen. The reality of being raped is so devastatingly high that one could say wearing Rapex could be viewed as the lesser of two evils.

  14. This is so scary! Being a South African is exhausting, we are becoming a country that talks about rape like it's stealing candy and it's terrifying. I refuse to accept rape as part of our lives, it's sickening on so many levels.

    God help us with this madness!

    1. I agree, its is down right scary for sure. I bleed for all my sistahs. While South Africa is not the only country that has rape/sexual violent crimes they are number one ranking. This is not something any country want to be noted for.

      Yes God have mercy on our souls for sure.

  15. Rape is a horrible thing. in some religion they believe a woman can only claim to be rape if there are 4 male witness to it. Darn it!

    1. Simply ignorant jackasses. I wonder if they will feel the same way if they themselves were being raped and then were asked to produce 4 male witnesses to validate the sexual violence perpetrated against them. God don't sleep, what goes around comes around lets home it visits them and not fall upon their children. "the sins of the father."


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