Dec 30, 2015


Life at times can be a comedy show, I cannot tell you how many times I crack up laughing at some weird or sobering, very real experiences.

Public Washrooms: 
Using a public bathroom and your lower half is bent over the toilet blow fully exposed so you don’t soil your panties with pee while you try to roll out the toilet paper that continues to break every time you pull; Then when you think you finally got a rhythm going it breaks again, only this time the end is way up where you cannot reach. Each attempt to grab hold of the end to pull is unsuccessful no matter how much you try rolling fast/slow, back and forth in hopes that it will unravel. Derriere in the air trying to shake dry simply isn’t dignifying however quite hilarious. The only saving grace in those experiences is that I had no witnesses. What I’ve learnt – to always have my own tissues/toilet paper just in case.  Can you relate?

During a particularly intimate love session your vagina starts farting and you are so shocked and embarrassed that you pretend you don’t hear it and your partner trying to be gracious pretends he doesn’t hear it either but then it becomes so obvious that you both collapse in hysterical laughter. What I’ve learnt – (2 things) 1. Vaginal farts are normal and are just the expulsion of air from the vagina that sometimes occurs during sex and 2. Don’t take everything so seriously.

Spontaneous Involuntary bodily functions: 
So you are out in public with the family having a good time and something you are holding falls, not a big deal right, you just pick it up! Yah well not so simple, one family member which shall go unnamed to save myself, graciously offered to pick up the item in question. The person bent to pick the item and out came a big fart followed by the funk. She jumped up quickly item in hands clutched to her chest, eyes wide with surprise. She looked left, right, behind her and then at me as I attempted to keep a straight face and not acknowledge what I heard or what I smelt. I said thank you with tight lips biting the inside of my cheeks to hold in my laughter as a couple of men passed by with their noses scrunched up. She gave me the evil eye. I said nothing. My face showed nothing until of course we were away from the vicinity then I doubled over in hysterics. She was not impressed and was angry all the way home. I couldn’t look at her because I would start laughing all over again. What I’ve learnt – try, try, try very very hard not to laugh at your family embarrassing moments unless they laugh first because you got to live with them!

Mindfulness Thought: 
Laughter is good for the soul; it's cleansing, it releases stress, endorphins and keeps the blood circulating. Learn to laugh at yourself and don’t take everything in life too seriously. 

Learn to laugh with all your being.


  1. May the new year give us peace, happiness and joy.

    Great post to end the year.

    1. Blessings and thank you. All the best to you and yours.

  2. Loool. This is so funny. It's good to laugh at ourselves from time to time, and not take things so serious in such cases.

    Happy new year in advance.

    Who trains the woman? Parents or Marriage?

    1. Indeed, it pays to see the humorous side of things.
      Happy New Year to you as well. God speed.

  3. I laughed at all of these. I've lost my sense of smell, so I am not bothered by other farts, but I have to hold 'em in as long as possible, just in case! :-)

    1. hmmmm, what does the lost of smell does to one taste in foods? I once heard that if you can't smell food you can pretty much eat anything, is there any truth to that?

      Its not good to hold in farts! haha, are you not afraid you would poison yourself?

  4. Happy New Year! That toilet story was hilarious as is this whole post!

  5. Chuckles! Life can be such fun if one chooses to make it so. And you've done it so Rhapsody! Thanks for dropping by!


    1. Choice is the key to living life with some joyfulness indeed.
      You are welcome

  6. Hello Rhapsody, thank you for you visit. I like your post, it is very funny and yet true. I can identify with the situations. Yes, it is good to laugh at ourselves. Happy new year! May your new year be filled with joy, peace and love.

    1. Thank you Nancy. Absolutely, i laugh at myself all the time, sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying.

      Happy New Year.

  7. Hello again, just to inform you that I am now your newest follower of your blog.

    1. Blessings and thank you. I have added you to my google+

  8. Your post made me smile! I took a little trip through several posts as I have never been by. I'll be back. Thanks for visiting my blog too. And Happy New Year!

    1. Glad you were able to smile. Do come again and I shall follow suit

  9. Again you've made me laugh so much. I can relate with some of these moments of of ooooops :))).

    Happy New Year Rhapsody, you're an inspiring beautiful soul and you continue to spread the love. Thank you for the continous words of encouragement always taken on board. Look forward to reading more of your wonderful words of wisdom.

    1. Good then my work is done for this day.
      thank you. I look forward to visiting you as always.

  10. Yes, life is full of unexpected funny moments sometimes. Two of my kids and I sometimes take a minor routine happening and turn it into a complete "gut-busting" laugh-fest. We end up laughing until our sides hurt and we're searching for tissue to dry our eyes.

    Thanks for sharing this smile making post. I love it.

    I just came by to wish you a wonderful 2016. Happy New Year to you my friend.

    1. Those gut-busters are cleansing aren't they.
      Thank you. Blessings throughout 2016

  11. Haaaaaaa!!! LOL! Yeah, life has a way of reminding us that we take it too seriously! Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves.

  12. Laughter is good medicine. The more you can find humor in everyday situations the better. :)

    1. Yes it is. Correct.
      Thank you for visiting and participating in the conversation. Stay blessed.

  13. Oh my I'm double over laughing. A good dose of laughter helps some of life bitter moments passed along much better. Happy New Year!

    1. Yes it certainly does Wanda. Glad I can offer laughter for the soul. Happy new year.

  14. Laughter is indeed good for the soul and what a delightful post. Here is to the new year.
    To new battles and sustained victories.
    To new things to laugh about.
    To dreams.
    To even more dreams.

    Have a prosperous new year dear friend. Peace and Light always!

    1. Why thank you.
      I'll take the New Year wish and bounce it back right atcha.

  15. It's always fun when we don't life or ourselves so seriously and can just laugh it off. Good points and Happy New Year! Hugs...RO

  16. Life can't be nealer the same I will speedy recovery I realise just how lucky I'am live a very comfortable life and don't have too many complainds Not to much inspiration to write about so will happy New Year 2016.

    1. Yes you are all praises to God almighty who lifted you up and healed you so you experience joy again.
      Happy New Year

  17. LOOOL. I can relate oh.

    Happy New Year Rhapsody!

    1. sistah's in life humorous moments.
      Happy New Year to you as well. All the best in life and marriage.

  18. Very interesting post dear, your blog is so different than others :)

    1. Thank you.
      Different wonderful?
      Different fabulous?
      Different Extraordinary?

  19. I love a good laugh. :D Happy New Year.

    1. Yes, like milk it does a body good.
      Happy New year.

  20. Oh lord, I actually laughed out loud lool. Thank you.

    Here's wishing you an amazing 2016. You're a blessing

    1. I am glad I can make you laugh.
      I will take amazing thank you.


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