Aug 16, 2015


“If merely feeling good could decide, drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience”. --William James


  1. Hi!
    If we value life, if we are to create for ourselves a life of worth, if we are grateful we are blessed with this miracle called life… we must respect and value our own body and mind before we can ever learn to value life.

    “The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles… but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.” (Buddha)

    We well, and be blessed.
    …and don’t forget to smile!

    1. Ah Billy, "To live in the present moment wisely and earnestly" is the challenges though I must say it is a phenomenal idea. I say, I will implement this policy of "living" in the moment without worry.

  2. I like a glass of wine at night, but if I have two, I no longer feel good. And the next day I pay for it, so I keep it to one. :-)

    1. Sounds like your body has a say about what you put in it and you listen, good idea, oh how better many of us would be if we were to listen to signals and lessons our body gives us on a daily, we'd be better off.

  3. I think my joy in life comes from something much stronger then drink. Having a spiritual joy is far better and more healthy too.

    1. Ah yes, the ultimate in strengths.....spiritual key is far better indeed.

  4. Hello,

    To some extent we can go by the pleasure principle depending on what gives us pleasure. For instance, sight seeing, drinking tea, eating good food, dancing,singing etc. are harmless means of deriving pleasure. But drinking, smoking and things which will harm us mentally and physically are not to be encourage even though it might give us temporary pleasure.

    Bad habits can also give us pleasure but that cannot be recommended because such habits will destroy us sometime or the other.

    An innocent pleasure derived in going for a walk is good because it will certainly tone up our muscles, improve our blood circulation and give us an alert mind.

    So it depends on what we are doing to give us pleasure, happiness or make us feel good.

    A thought provoking quote.

    Best wishes

    1. Namaste my friend.
      A lot of food for thought, thank you for sharing.

  5. Well there's being drunk and there's feeling good. I have been drunk before and generally when I was drunk I didn't feel good at all. I felt out of control because I was. Feeling good is in the mind. A state of consciousness where you see things more clearly and are less apt to do stupid things that can affect you and those around you.
    Having said all that, I'm drinking a beer right now because it's very hot and very humid. I only have two on hand and that's just fine.

    1. haha...
      i trust you enjoyed your beer?
      Indeed feeling good is in the mind, great reminder, thanks

  6. Rhapsody just want to say thank you for continously sharing those uplifting words. Your blessings are appreciated.

    Glad to have come across your profile!

    1. You are very welcome Barefoot Countess....glad i can uplift and inspire.

  7. My pleasure principle lies within a Mr. Softee vanilla ice cream cone... What can I say, I'm easy to please...

    1. Never heard of Mr. Softee however if it brings you pleasure well then, more power to yah.


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