Dec 7, 2013

18 Gift, A Blessing

giftNo matter what state you are in,

The condition of your life,

If you could bitch about it,

Whine about it,

Rage about it

Feel sorry about it...









You are blessed.

The alternative would mean you are dead.

Recognize the blessing in the storm.

Every day is a gift, no matter how disappointing or dismal

You are gifted with the breath of life.

And each day you are blessed to rise, births a opportunity to do and see things differently.


D.S.B.Rhapsody©All Rights Reserved.


  1. Hi…thanks for visiting my blog. We all have our own thing that we are passionate about…I see your thing is the spoken word…I respect that very much. You have some nice writings here. Have a good weekend!

  2. helllooooo…….. so nice to visiting my blog.
    haha……"This is the only area that i could read as the rest just look like boxes to me. " funny…. That’s a psychology test… you can have the test too…. but it’s just for girl… if you are…
    have a nice day

  3. Aint that the truth! How good of you to stop by for a visit. And thanks for the compliment on my hats etc. I’ve posted a few newly completely projects. Swing back if you can.

    We had old man winter bust our chops today…after a lovely day of almost 80 yesterday. GROAN. We’re expecting below freezing temps tonight, that's a bummer.

    Hope you have a wonderful Sunday.

    1. You are welcome, will do.
      Well we have to respect old man winter less he makes us remember why, layers, dress in layers....

      blessings to you this day as well.

  4. Stunning write up! Absolutely stunning. Very amazing inspiration.

    1. Thank you Mykey, humbled that I can inspire you.
      stay blessed.

  5. So with you on this one Rhapsody, I recently heard of a passing of a friend. He was only 67 years old and never had the chance to retire and stop working. His wife was very ill last year and he stood by her side till she recovered. It does make you think and be so very thankful for each and every day.
    Wishing you a Lovely week.
    Sheila x

    1. A lovely week to you to. The truth is we are given this life and we don't know from one day to the next what will happen, what we can do is learn how to stay grateful, how to be and move fluidly through the challenges and celebrate the triumphs.

  6. Yes! Recognise the blessing through the storm. Thanks for the reminder

    1. You are much welcome.
      At time I need the same said reminder.

  7. You have spoken the truth Rhapsody. No matter how dismal life may appear we have something in which we can be grateful. Wishing you a great week ahead.

    1. Indeed we do, always there is a blessing even the ones we take for granted and fail to acknowledge, like the breath of life and living through another day, even a crappy one.

  8. Absolute truth ! Wake up guys and girls rise & shine.Share, Care,Love & Bless.

  9. You've put a lifetime into words. Amen!


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Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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