Mar 3, 2019


I deliberately and with purpose view life as "glass half full". Lord knows there is enough of the dark and dreary in the world to make a soul downright wary. Is it a challenge at times? Absolutely, some days it takes a lot of prayers and faith to not feel ladened and jaded. I have found that it's the little things that helps to restore your reserves and rejuvenate your spirit. This day is such a day.

I left in what I believed to be enough time to catch my bus to begin my commute to work. It was cold, overcast, icy and foggy. As I made my way slowly to the bus stop I looked up and there was my bus. I could not run. There was no way I would take the chance. It was to icy and slippery. I was not going to make it. I resigned myself to waiting for the next bus. However, ever the optomist I raised my hand to get the driver's attention as he drove toward me. I know he does not have to stop. I was hopeful. As he neared he stopped for me. The side walks were piled high with now frozen snow. I couldn't think of how to climb up to get on. I felt overwhelmed. The driver saw my dilemma. He got out of his seat, came half out of the bus and helped me on the bus. I was so grateful and so touched by his generosity of heart and act of kindness. I thanked him profusely.

It was so cold that day, minus 20 with a wind chill of minus 32. I thanked him again. He said in his Caribbean sing song accent, "no problem man, is too cold to leave anyone outside in this weather." I smiled to myself. My heart so full, he fill up my reserve. I thanked the Loed thinking, zits the little things.'


  1. Oh thank God for thoughtful and compassionate people! It really does fill-our-depleted souls when these acts of kindness come our way. Thank God for your "Angel-on-the-Bus"!

  2. Hello, greetings and egood wishes.
    There is still human kindness in this world although we are filled with bad news everyday by the news papers.Very kind bus driver. God bless him.
    On the lighter sided, I must say that here in Kochi the bus drivers always stop for women in between the stops but not for men. Ha,ha,ha.
    Best wishes


  3. Aww that was so nice of him, beyond what his job calls for, just a kindness.

  4. Oh my! What a beautiful post. It's so wonderful to hear about an act of kindness. It's just lovely to hear about nice, lovely, caring people.


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Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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