May 30, 2018


I was committed for the day, 8 - 5:30. One of the first to arrive and not knowing what to expect I chose a table up front.

8:00 am ✤ Breakfast served:

I helped myself to breakfast - Salmon, eggs, pineapples & bagels and retook my seat. 3 other women joined my table. We introduced ourselves and they excused their selves to get breakfast.

During our breakfast the woman closest to me started up a conversation. She ask me a question. I turned to look at her, an act I regretted. Food liquid oozed from the sides of her mouth. She smiled and food clong to her teeth. She spoke and food flew out her mouth. I thought to myself 'eewww'. I kept my facial expression neutral so I don't give away my disgust. 

1:00 pm ✤ Lunch served:

Quinoa salad with cranberry, pasta salad, roast beef , coleslaw+. I quickly learned to smile and nod without direct eye contact to the woman directly to my right as she ate steadily throughout the day. I thought I had it mastered until the woman right of her asked me a question. I looked toward her and paused. I had to schooled my features as she worked her bottom dentures in and out of her mouth. I silently thought, 'Jesus Murphy help me.' I grimace smile with teeth and nodded my head affirmatively.

Toward the end ✤ Indirect stare
The day was enjoyable. I didn't change tables because it would have been too ackward. I had no intention of being deliberately rude instead I adjusted. I used an indirect stare and angled my body toward them during conversations. Eye to eye contact was made intermittently when they were not eating. I didn't escape entirely though as the woman played with her dentures periodically throughout our communication.


  1. could've been fun, sorry it wasn't!

    1. It was fun, just tinged with a bit of grossness.

  2. Oh ouch! The food looked so appetizing. What a shame that your appetite got killed a bit. You were kind though.

    1. NO it didn't get killed. I just has some adjustment to do. once it was done all went well.

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  4. That sounds unpleasant. But the food looks delicious!

    1. Blessings....
      It was a combination of both. It was also a day of lessons for me. In that you can't always pick where you want to be however you can certainly shift how it impacts you.

  5. Uh oh... I posted a comment yesterday and it looks like it disappeared. Doggone it!
    I just mentioned that the food looked amazing, but I’m sorry your appetite got a bit muted. You were kind though.

    1. HI Kay...
      I have comment monitoring on so it will appear once i have said ok. Too much spam otherwise.

      the food was amazing. It was a empowering conference so aside the not so pleasant it was good.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

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1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

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Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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