Mar 11, 2018


Do not be so focused on what others have done wrong that you fail to take into account the things you've done wrong, the hurt you've inflicted, the wounds you've caused and the issues you've left unresolved. 

In other words: 
Don't give an account of others short comings and mistakes if you cannot take and give an account of your own. 

If you cannot do that then, DO NOT UTTER (say) a word, keep it to yourself.

"He who is without sin may cast the first Stone." 

It is wise to note:
We all have places we have fallen short remember that before speaking badly of others to those that will listen. 


  1. So true. This is a good reminder to all of us.

    1. It can only benefit us when we keep a mirror to our own behavior and actions.

  2. This is great advice, and very well said. You are so right about casting the first stone. Not many of us can say we are without faults.

    1. Thank you. We are all perfectly imperfect and need to keep that thought front and center when dealing with others. Makes for more compassion and better understanding.

  3. A very true reminder, and I thank you. None of us are perfect. Hugs and Happy Tuesday! RO

    1. No we are not perfect. We are human and it behooves us to see the humanity in each other.

  4. Hey lady, how are you? I hope all is well and everything's going okay. Just popping in to see what you're up to and to say hello.

    Wishing you a great week!

    1. I am blessed. Thank you for the check in. By God's grace I am well. You?


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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