Apr 28, 2016

18 “Don’t bite the hand that feeds” - Perception can be deception

I often hear people use this statement "don't bite the hand that feeds" to sum up another’s seemingly ungrateful, disrespectful and overall bad attitude toward another who is the provider, the giver, the “saviour” so to speak and while that may be true in some situations it is not always true to all situations and should not be generally apply to all.

What I have observed with many people that apply this parable, “don’t bite the hand that feeds” or “he/she is biting the hands that feeds them” is often not privy to all the facts. It is a blanket determination of a person or persons supposed character. Frankly “don’t bite the hand that feeds” is a moral judgment.

The truth is "the hands that feed” can often occupy dual or multiply roles and those roles may not always be to the benefit of the “eater” i.e. the benefactor because the “hand that feeds” can also be the hands that strangle, choke, beat, violate, negate, oppress and depress.

We should all exercise caution before predetermining who we believe a person is or is not based on what we perceive. 

The Moral:
It is wise to not judge what we do not have all the facts to for what we see is not always what is. What looks good is not always good and what we may “perceive” about a situation or others may crumble under the reality of truth for perception without facts to create certainty is just perception not truth. 

"Perception can be deception" --

think before you speak....


  1. Just because the hand is feeding you, doesn't always mean its feeding you from a positive place.

    1. Sure you are right.
      Thank you for coming and lending your wisdom.

  2. You are so right about this "the hands that feeds" can also be the hands that strangle, choke, beat, violate, negate, oppress and depress.

    1. Indeed it can.....
      Thank you for coming and lending your wisdom.

  3. I could not agree more... no one knows behind the real stories, so no one should judge another... this was a thoughtful post, one that many people should read xox

    1. and that is the crux of the matter, we truly don't know until we know and even then we must exercise caution in casting the first stone.

      Thank you for coming and lending your wisdom.

  4. I agree, very well written. Let us not be quick to judge.

    1. Amen....
      a mantra I keep front an center daily
      Thank you for coming and lending your wisdom.

  5. Oh ma gosh, this is so deep. I can see myself making a quote out of this. So true, we can't always judge by looking in from the outside.

    Now that you've killed me... The big question

    1. No we cannot always judge
      In fact we should practice not to

  6. This is SO true! It is interesting how you have laid this out for us, not any people have thought of it this way. I can't say that I have thought about this situation enough to put it into words like you have. BUT, I have lived and learned the "moral" in your conclusion firsthand. I love the post.

    I wish you a blessed weekend dear friend.

    1. Thank you....
      Glad I could create a shift.
      Thank you for coming and lending your wisdom.
      always a pleasure

  7. Intersting perspective you make a good point. We always have to look at the other side

    1. Yes particularly if it goes toward maligning another's character and ruining their reputation

  8. We can be so quick to jump to conclusions but we never know what sides are served up as well. While I do understand the concept of the original phrase, I appreciate you calling us to see alternative view.

    1. Thank you. You make good point, thanks for sharing.

  9. There's a lot of truth to this and that's why it's often a good idea to reserve our judgement. Also love the line about the hand that feeds also being the hand that strangle, chokes, beats. That's deep.

    1. Absolutely, reserving judgment is always a good idea.
      thank you, it is said the same tool that is used to do good can be used to do bad.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

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1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

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