Feb 6, 2016

33 It is "Necessary to encounter defeats"

“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” --Dr. Maya Angelou
Friday Peeks - Destressing by D.S.B.S.Rhapsody


  1. I love the colors in this drawing and your brilliant red flowers to

    1. Thank you Sandra. Sometimes it is soothing to just sit and color.

  2. This is very inspiring and aren't we all facing challenges at one point or another?

  3. If we never encountered defeat, how would we be able to truly appreciate success? Our ups taste all that much sweeter after we've had to swallow the bitterness of our downs.

    1. hmmmmmm, nicely delivered. Indeed for within the reality of defeats lay the answers to success.

  4. Captivating drawing and a good quote!

  5. I agree with Sandra. They're gorgeous.

  6. Hello greetings and good wishes.

    I am thrilled to see you blogging again. Welcome,welcome,welcome.

    Very inspiring quote and a lovely photo.

    Most of us are frightened of defeats and in everything we do we want to be assured of success. If we fail in our first attempt we don't have the guts to try again.

    Excellent quote.

    Best wishes

    1. Ah Joseph I have never stopped blogging since I started this particular blog in 2007. Its good to have you visiting again. I came by a few times to visit but you seem to have taken a hiatus until your recent entry.

      Yes, no one anticipate or welcomes defeat. I think perhaps we need to reshape how we thing and view defeat. Rather see it as a series of learning, growth and preparation for the success that is to come.

  7. Love this post. This is soooo true! It is learning from our defeat that we find out what we're made of or not. Some of us learn and do better next time, some of us don't.

    1. Those of us who learn choose to learn, those of us who choose not to learn don't.

  8. What a fantastic quote. I think we often think of defeats as bad things. Like when the kids at the school I teach get a bad grade. You definitely learn more from your mistakes than when everything goes you way! Happy new week!

    1. You are right, i think its perhaps due to the judgment that comes along with the defeats that one seldom see the lesson due to the saturation of hurt, shame and humiliation. It is only with the passage of time that the wisdom in the experience surfaces as the hurt has had time to dull and wither away.

      thank you. Have a fabulously blessed week.

  9. Beautiful picture! Very true words. :)

  10. Did you freehand draw that or is it from one of these adult coloring books? Looks amazing either way.

    Very true quote

    1. I would like to boast and say i freehand the drawing but I'd be lying like a dog. It is one of those drawings for adult colouring. I simply coloured it in. Though your question ignited the challenge at trying my hand at free-handing one. hmmmmmm.... i think indeed i shall try. I'll let you know how it turned out. hehe.

  11. Such a powerful quote and beautiful coloring Rhapsody. Hope your week is off to a great start.

    1. Thank you.
      Yes my week has started wonderfully. By God's grace it shall continue. A fabulous week to you Wanda

  12. That is a very beautiful and colorful picture.
    Like the gold that encounters the heat to remove the dross and acquire a sheen,defeats make us stronger and better.

  13. I like the quote, and the image is beautiful.

  14. Yes! We may encounter defeats but we must never be defeated. Such beautiful quote.
    The image is quite captivating.

    1. Ah Yes, the key is truly not to become defeated by the challenges in life. Though the rub is, that is the challenge to ensure you are not defeated by defeat.

  15. Oh I love love love Maya Angelou. I met her once - you may get a kick out of this one: http://lightenupweber.blogspot.com/2014/06/meeting-maya-and-remaining-conscious.html

  16. 'So that you can know what you can rise from.'

    This really resonated with me!


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