Feb 13, 2016


She stood silently inside the bus platform to the side of little the convenience shop selling its coffee and snacks. Her hands pulling down her blouse tautly against her chest, her eyes fixed there.  She straightened pulled down her blouse more and stuck her chest out examining it more closely. I watched her with a smile on my face. Lost in her adolescent worry she was completely oblivious to those around her. She looked to the left side of her chest, paused as if in conversation as to why there is no indication of breasts blooming. She sighed dramatically then turned to the right side of her chest surveying as she did the left seemingly to search again for any small sign of a bump, something signifying the ushering of breasts. So intent in her investigation she did not here her parent calling. She stood there for a few moments more gazing almost pleadingly at her chest. I can almost see the internal “self-talk” happening. She sighed again in pubescent worry and flung her hands outwardly to her side in a gesture of hopeless surrender.  I smiled thinking, ‘She is so impatient for puberty to begin.’ She looked no more than 12.

He walked around casually in the subway “Gateway To Go” convenience stall. He asked a question to one of the employee then continues to walk around. Pants riding low just under his bottom he manages a slow gait reminiscent of a penguin as he visually pursued the array of snacks. He looked gauging the employees’ alertness, walked around to where the Maltesers, Nibs and Skittles were. He pocketed a pack of Skittles shoving it way down in his back pocket riding low on his upper leg, walks back casually to inside by the coffee/tea spoke to an employee then turn and left the store without a backward glance. A thief’s MO (mode of operation) all for skittles.

She pushes the stroller into the bus running over a woman’s foot. She drives it further in running over a gentleman’s foot. She leaves the bus backing up on another person’s foot and then moving forward driving over an elderly woman’s feet who cried out in pain giving her an angry mutinous look, she leaves without looking up, without apology. 


  1. Interesting real-life observations. My son just witnessed a guy stealing in a fast food place today, the young man just ran off without completing the credit card transaction while the attendant was distracted.

    1. wow.....he must have been real hungry to do something so stupid.

  2. Awww puberty... What an incredible part of life one has to go through...

  3. Such an interesting post!
    Happy Valentine's Day darling!
    Kisses, Paola.


    My Facebook

  4. Wow. Are all these for real? So hard to believe that things like this happen in the full view of everyone.

  5. It sounds like you've been enjoying some good old-fashioned people-watching. And you're very observant, too. Most people are so self-involved, they miss out on noticing the people all around them, no matter how interesting they are. Such a waste! (And people-watching is FREE, too!)

    1. Yes I at time indulge in the practice of people watching. Many lessons can be had that way, one cannot live long enough to experience all their is to experience in the world, thus a bit of observation is necessary.

  6. Been there before. LOL....in another few years, I think i will experience it from parents P.O.V.


    1. hmmmmmmm.....true enough, life is a circle after all.

  7. Well done! I enjoyed each vignette and admire your ability to say so much in so few words. The stroller lady certainly has some issues. :-)

    1. Thank you, sometimes keeping it short and sweet is a challenge, ever so often i pull it off.

      I have a woman who rolled over my foot each morning when we took the bus together. One morning i asked her how many more times she will roll over my foot before she realized that my foot is not an extension of the bus floor. She apologized and was ever mindful after.

  8. I remember how concerned I was about having small chest while in High School. Now, it's not even a concern. Different stage, different worries.

    1. Try very true. I don't think I ever had that particular worry.

  9. It's about skittles addicted zombie. :) You know this feeling when you can't stop eating skittles? I'm a little skittles addicted too, but not enough for stealing it.

    1. ha ha, yeah i suppose.
      imagine getting arrested for stealing skittles and the guys in joint asks you, "what you in for" and you say "stealing a pack of skittles" they will fall over laughing themselves silly.

  10. We have all be there before, each having our own experiences of going through our puberty stage.

  11. Great way to showcase the fact that many of us walk around thinking about ourselves and not always paying attention to the world around us.

    I am glad you said something to the lady who kept running over your foot with the stroller- sometimes we think people notice things they are doing, but often they don't. :)

    1. hmmmmm...I suppose,one has to be truly discombobulated to not feel a hump in a normally smooth pathway.

  12. Hello, greetings and good wishes.

    I enjoyed reading all the three incidents you watched so carefully and wrote down with immense clarity.

    It is a good idea to watch carefully and make a mental note of things. You have great talent. I enjoyed reading Sherlock Holmes stories for the simple reason that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is a great observer and he describes people so interestingly and make deductions after observing them.

    We have all sorts of people in this world and you have beautifully portrayed three of them in short paragraphs. Very interesting and enjoyable.

    Best wishes

    1. Namaste and thank you Joseph.I am glad you enjoyed my narration of observations.

  13. Oshey!!! Phoenix the observer of Destiny! ilikey! very mush iLikey :) Apparently yeah Bubba.. You are one who pays close attention to even the most minute of details.. **Drops on Knees in Intense Faya Faya scabashing!! please mentor me.. please epp me.. I need to be an Observer too.. ASAP mbok.. **cleans lone tear..

    Moving on.. Do permit me to dwell majorly on the "Rush to GROW Up"! been there.. done that (doing that sev :().. but now.. as i slowly but surely approach the peak of my youth ('z'e great 25!!!).. it scares me as to where all the years have SUDDENLY gone.. Sad am i?! Yellss ke! Scared am i?! Yessss oh!!! ready am I?! Hell No!!! but oh well.. Growth.. age and Time.. They all mess around with the best of us i guess.. Blessings..

    Hello from the other side :) xx

  14. I always enjoy reading your observations while people watching. I also observe people and their actions or lack thereof while out and about. One really does get to see some interesting and sometimes mind-boggling shenanigans if we would just pay attention.


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