Apr 20, 2014

12 Racism - "Dark Girls"--A Look At Colorism and Internalized Racism In The Black Co...

The Issue of Colorism….
How much have you internalized?
How does it inform who you are?
How you think?
How you speak?
How you articulate and express yourself/others?
How you see yourself in yourself?
Are you aware of the toxicity of internalized racism, it's a CANCER of the mind. Its psychological warfare!


  1. Good Morning Rhapsody. And thank you for sharing this awesome documentary, sad in parts but presents a real social awarness we tend to overlook. As I was watching the video, my 9 year old daughter caught a glimpse of certain sections and as a result she's asking many questions.

    Am gonna try my best to enlighten her, but the real challenge as with any of us, is when we come face to face with another human being who attempts to defirm our character.


    1. You are welcome Just know that you are equipped to answer all her questions. You come from people who are self-governed, who are strong and resilient. Teach her to love herself as is, that she as are we all created in God's imagine, that she is a direct reflection of God and God don't make mistakes. Teach that she is love, she comes from love and was created from love.

  2. These are some deep discussions in there!!!!
    I can't believe i just used up a whole hour watching the whole thing!!!
    Issues, i never even realized i have internalized myself...and certainly gives me quite a bit to think about!

    1. Absolutely......
      There is so much unconscious internalization that is negatively reeking havoc on our psyche, informing and transforming how we see our selves, behave, respond and move forward. It's important that we deconstruct those destructive modes of thinking and being and reconstruct more positive and life affirming patterns of behaviors, ethos, thoughts and life patterns.

  3. This is something I admit, I haven't thought about. Thank you for making me aware.

    1. Ah, so many can relate to your comment. The good thing is, now you know and you cannot un-know. Hence from your day of knowing you will examine and consider the issues addressed.

      Thank you for coming and having the courage to speak freely and truthfully. I admire your transparency.

  4. I agree I haven't thought of these Rhapsody. Thank you.
    Sheila x

    1. Everyday you are blessed with the breath of life is an opportunity to learn and grow. Now you know hence life is different hence forth.

      Thanks for coming and participating in the conversation.

  5. *sigh* It would definitely take a while but the conversation has to be on-going. I'm lucky I grew up in Nigeria where we are mostly black & I never got teased about my colour. I didn't even realise this was an issue until my late teens which thankfully wasn't a problem because my self-esteem & confidence had been built & I was already self-aware of more important traits than the basic looks/appearance of a person

    1. We must, less we die unfulfilled, unlove, unaccomplished lives. Being raised in an environment where you are self-governed and supported makes a big difference.

  6. Good Tuesday, It's a sad reality that colourism is the result of prejudice. Unfortunately, racism is far from extinct. Even in the church. Living in America's so-called Bible Belt I'm amazed at what comes out of some Christian's mouths. I guess we humans are morally dense and slow to change for God's plan for mankind. Wasn't it like eighteen hundred years for the gospel to cut through human conscience enough for America to outlaw slavery. We still have a long way to go. I know people who voted Democrat for decades and switched to a republican vote simply because of the color President Obama's skin. I'm proud he has been twice elected. How does that quote go that President Obama, Martin Luther King, and Nelson Mandela have all used? Something like, "The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice." Thanks for sharing and be well Princess.

    Greg Sr.

    1. Absolutely.....Racism is toxic, it infects the brain, infest the body, decays the soul and rot the mind.

      My grandmother always said, "everything you find outside of the church you will find inside of the church.'


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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