Nov 25, 2012


BUDDHA"It is better to conquer self than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours, It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or demons, heavens or hell." Buddha

I guess there is a significant amount of truth in that bit of philosophical directive as the time one takes to truly know oneself is invaluable and victory over self is worth the battle fought to win/triumph. It’s empowering.


  1. Hiya,
    that Buddha was a wise chap, but you are much wiser for being able to interpret him…

    Anyway, I just popped in to tell you that I’ve over-reacted (yes.. me… what are the chances?) and decided to dessert my space. But fear not… I’ve started afresh. New outlook and all that. It’s not much to look at yet, but it’ll get there. Please pop along sometime, as you’re more than welcome in my life.

    Love & Much Laughter to you,

    1. There is some truth to the saying, "wisdom comes with age" i'd like to add to that, "if you are willing, have eyes that can see, ears that can hear and the knowledge to apply lessons learnt." Thank you for the good wishes.

  2. Fabz,

    No, self-knowledge cannot be taken away, but it IS sometimes fleeting or somewhat overlooked by the once self-aware person herself or himself, right? Especially in this busy, demanding life so many of us lead. Ol’ Guatamma Buddha lived a pastoral, meditative existence, quite different from yours or mine. Just might be easier to maintain a focus on oneself when one lives in a peaceful, low-stress manner, don’t you think?

    Oh, and what, may I ask, is the Danforth Festival exactly? I know of a "Danforth" in Arthur Miller’s famous play "The Crucible" about the Salem Witch Trials. Bet there’s no connection.

    Take care of ourself and your loved ones,


    1. hmmmmm, quite a provocative response, leaves me thinking. thanks for sharing your thoughts. I shall ponder.

  3. Oh my! I think I’ll just wish you a happy week and let this soak in a little.

    Take care,

  4. Self-consciousness and self-awareness can certainly help us avoid those battles that we better not fight in the first place. And self-control can help transform ourselves from who we are to who we want to be.

  5. Self analysis leads to self empowerment. We in India, learn very early in life to go to oneself whenever we are confronted with a problem or in doubt, and believe me we always come up with the right answer or solution to our problem. Buddha was born a Hindu and so we can easily relate to his teachings for he has not said anything different from what our scriptures have always been saying.
    How are you? I would like to know more about you. Love, Rama Ananth.

    1. It is a blessing to be surrounded from birth with such teachings and philosophies, it certainly would help for a more balance existence.

      Ask and i will try my best to answer, what is it you wish to know?

  6. Yes we can learn
    Its very interesting the Lord Buddha I love to read the wise words
    thx for visiting

  7. true—
    the real fight is inside
    it is an inner conquest
    this "Victory on Self."

  8. agree.
    but the way to do that?

    1. one day at a time, practice, patience with self, forgiveness of ones mistakes and the willingness to do the necessary work to attaining victory

  9. If people can take this lesson.
    our world will be full of LOVE
    Bush,Saddam and Laden will vanish from the World.


  10. Nah……….There is no victory over the self……..only over those that deny you the ability to love yourself………..does that take a lifetime?……………xx

    1. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...perhaps, one would say, it takes as long as it takes as long as it takes.

  11. Hello,
    Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment. Your blog is lovely. Sorry for not replying earlier, I was travelling a lot and had lot of guests and so kept busy and did not visit my blog. Wishing you happiness, peace and joy. Have a great day, have a great life…

    Wishing you all the best

  12. Battling with oneself is the worst stage of life. Experiencing it currently

    1. Ah, we all experience this, its human, sometimes it helps to "let go and let God"

  13. What a coincidence! I just wrote a post for tomorrow about religious tolerance and acceptance and here I see the Buddha on your post. I love it!

    1. One would say that "there is no such thing as coincidence."

  14. The battle over self is one we continually fight, and gaining mastery is really empowering.

    Thanks for sharing

  15. Yes, there is truth in the saying.
    Discipline the flesh, hence making the mind clean...good things will flow out and the world will be at killings, stealing, lying, lust..which all have a multiplying effect.

    1. Ah preach it sistah, oh but what a mountain we must climb

  16. Conquering self is the biggest battle much tougher than winning the thousand battles.

    1. You are absolutely correct. Thanks for your affirmation.

  17. That is the biggest Victory.. Victory Over self.

  18. Surely wisdom comes with age, but sometimes knowing one's self is enough wisdom.

    1. there are some things that age is the necessary time that brings forth the wisdom though wisdom is not always exclusive to age only.

  19. First time here and following. Please add me to your blog and follow me too if you don't mind, I hope you'll do. Muah! Thanks

  20. I guess self-control is key. The ability to have control over one's emotion, action and reaction is a great virtue


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