Mar 13, 2012

51 Sifting through my email.......

email iSifting through your emails can be very time consuming. It literally takes hours to sift through my emails, although my home one is better than others as it is seldom shared and designated to a specific few it can be a bit tedious. Don’t even ask me about my email at work, I am yet to get through the 100’s I got when I returned to work in January, which is another story for another time. Preferably when I am not dead tired with a pulsing headache behind my right eye that is preventing me from sleeping making the idea of blogging preferable to feeling the endless jabs in the eyeballs while attempting to sleep.

Oops where was I........? Oh yeah! Sorry about that, I was sifting through my emails not bothering to open some instead just deleting them as they are from the same people who never bother to inquire how I am. Even when I reply sending my regards and inquiring about how they are there is no response except for another onslaught of emails.

After I finished my ritual trigger mouse click/delete, I opened one from my FABULOUS COUSIN. The woman is a dynamo, could hold her own, out run any man and smart as a whip but Lord at times she’s got outrageous sense of humor with a belly laugh that would tickle you down to your toes. So I am the latest recipient of her wit.

Here is her latest justification for her preference of wine to water. Enjoy…

To my friends who enjoy a glass of wine... and those who don't.

  • As Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.
  • In a number of carefully controlled trials, scientists have demonstrated that if we drink 1 litre of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli, (E. coli) - bacteria found in feces.
  • In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop.
  • However, we do NOT run that risk when drinking wine & beer (or tequila, rum, whiskey or other liquor) because alcohol has to go through a purification process of boiling, filtering and/or fermenting.
  • Remember: Water = Poop, Wine = Health.
  • Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit.
  • There is no need to thank me for this valuable information: I'm doing it as a public service

See what I mean?


  1. Well, I thank for doing the public a great service, anyway. Now . . . back to my wine. Peace.

  2. hahaha Well thank you so much for the public service announcement!
    I always knew I likes wine now I know why:)
    Cause it’s healthy..

  3. You don’t say…Who would have thought?

  4. LOL…OMG!
    Well girl I was about to suggest you drink lots of water, then came the "valuable info" on wine vs water! Oh well, drink the wine then!

  5. Hmmmmmmm……., there’s some folks in my household that I should share this with but then I wouldn’t have my Merlot to myself. Thanks for the public service, hope all is well.

  6. why that works out PERFECTLY for me since I don’t like water !!

  7. Good evening Fab…

    Winter is in the Ozarks where I llive for a few days.
    Long winters are not for me any more. Summer time is a better time for me.
    Thankfully, I live somewhat in the south.

    We may be alike where we don’t publicly share our battles but we like to see others overcome.
    For the period time we have shared you seem to be one who loves to see others overcome.
    As a matter of fact, together, is where we are strong.

    Have a very nice week and peace be with you,

    1. Thanks. there are times when we can lend a hand as long as we are mindful that those we assist are self-governed. We do share some similiar characteristics.

  8. Seems logical enough to me…LOL With the state of our drinking water today, it’s probably more accurate than ever. BTW, I LOVED your comment on the satellite. What a way with words!missy

  9. LOL! I luv it. It’s just to bad they won’t let us have a wine cooler in the office like they let us have a water cooler.

  10. ‘in vino veritas’ :p doesnt sound good that pain behind your eye. take care, sis. try to have a restful week. love, dawn

    1. Thanks, will do, better today, hope it stays that way.

  11. Hi!!
    I am having one of those headaches now really sucks.
    Love this though wine gives you health while water fill you with sh*t!

    1. Whoever wrote this about wine certainly knows about the state of water in my country!!! As you say alchohol is purer than wine-sad but true!!!

    2. Seriously that is a sad but all to real commentary. If we are not carely its only a matter of time before we do ourselves in.

  12. Oh Lord,now thinking about how much water i consume daily :P

  13. Great public service announcement! LOL.
    Take care of yourself and get rid of that headache will you?

  14. lol................guess i have to start drinking wine
    get better

    1. by all means indulge but do so with discretion. Thanks....better today

  15. Hahahahahaha i'm literally lmao here.
    "Therefore, it's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit" oh my days. Too funny
    Unfortunately, i'm a light-head so i guess juice is better than water too then cos dats wat i luv.

    1. hmmmmm....easy on the juice eh, too much juice means loads of sugar. You know the saying, "too much of a good thing is good for nothing."

  16. I sooo hate having unread mails.
    You cousin has a sense of humour. I'll still go for water any day

    1. Yes she does. Well the lesser of both evils, the reality is everything is contaminated with something, too much alcohol and it eats your liver.

  17. wow! speechless!..........laughing.....can't imagine the kilos

    shit i would have taken in all my years....#y-u-c-k!#..ahahhaha

    i know how you feel about sieving through e-mails, so tiring,

    i simply pick the ones that matter to me most, and leave the

    rest....................................until much later :D

    1. Laughter is good for the soul. On a serious note human beings are sadly contaminating the water supply. Heaven help us all.

      At home i can like you pick the ones that interest me and leave the rest however at work i am obligated to go through all my email except the ones suspected of being spam.

  18. I love the email from your cousin. Still laughing!

  19. The funniest - "It's better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit."

    I don't drink wine or beer but that was some funny conclusion. lol

    - LDP

    1. Even so, there are still many choices to choose from. Its good you can recognize good humor.

  20. *Still laughing*
    This is some great service to the public...

    so much bacteria and shit and &%^$...but I 'll still choose water anyday.

    Howz u sis?

    1. well that is the beauty of free will, it affords you the choice to do as you please.

  21. Hahaha
    *now holding my tummy as I laugh out loud*
    1 kilo of what??!!
    My brain is coming up with the ERROR message, trying to process that... Your cousin is all kinds of hilarious!!

  22. Your cousin sounds like ah hoot! I love humorious people, I could laugh all day! I drink boiled coffee ;-) That is an interesting summation.

    1. Boiled coffee, hmmmmm, I don't drink coffee. laughter is good, makes the system feel relaxed.

  23. I hear you on the emails. I don't have that problem at work. I only use a computer for ordering purposes. Personally my real pet peeve is the phone. Hey maybe there's a blog here!

  24. loooooooooooool... that actually put me flat on my back..
    so "it is better to drink wine and talk stupid, than to drink water and be full of shit."
    message onboard, gonna share xxx

    1. By all means share, laughter is contacious, make it endemic.

  25. Just dropped in Rhapsody and glad I did, oh did that make me laugh , yes I see what you mean. Now where did I put that glass of wine Hick!!
    Hugs Sheila and thank you for you comments over my place. It's always good to hear from you.xx


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