Apr 22, 2009

19 Gravity & the Human body

The race against the BIG sag, the "F" word for most people, “Gravity as it applies to the human body", is inevitable even as some walk forebodingly into their future dreading the droop of the skin, wrinkles in the face, sag in the arms and breast, avoiding by any means necessary the physical signs of the aging body. But what’s the alternative? Unfortunately the reality is things will all head south whether we like it or not, unless of course you can afford to Botox yourself into mannequin statuesqueness, snip, snip, chop, chop, cutting away discarding loose skin like a butcher in a slaughter house then stitching up the massacred flesh like a fine Armani suit hoping to escape noticeable scars all to look youthful; and although the battle will ultimately be lost (unless you died young) the outcome of the war is still up for grabs in the combat against the "SAG", Nip/tuck anyone! Would you like fries and a drink with that?


  1. Gurl, that photo almost looked like me!! LOL Trust me, I know the deal.

  2. Wow!, that was what I was going through before I decided to work out 5 times a week.

  3. I guess there is an advantage to not having big boobs if that's what I would have to look forward to :-).

  4. Its not always snip snip. Supermodels swear by hemroid cream. Don't be surprised if bacon grease becomes the new face tightner.

  5. Good Monday Fab…

    You are right…Not only is it hard to find a pommerac in Toronto.
    I looked online trying to find you a Jamoon.

    Isn’t it amazing how far cosmetic surgery has come in the last ten years. I have to admit some celebrities have had some pretty fine work done. But then there are others who… Well, let’s just say should have left themselves the way they were. “Mommy! Mommy! My pigtails are pulled too tight!”

    I’m sticking some big bucks into cosmetic dentistry right now. I’m debating on how far I shall go? All will be fine after a wisdom tooth removal in the month of June and two new crowns and an implant. The question is do I want to go as far as veneers for those movie star teeth like Brad Pitt who grew up just 40 miles north of here.

    Besides I don’t have a Angelina I have to impress…

    Have a nice week. Your visits are always are a blessing. Thank you.



  6. Rap, girrrrrl,this is hillarrious! You know you wrong 4 that. I have work to do and I can't stop laughing long enough to catch my breath. I'm wiping my eyes, sniggling almost snotting...it's a crying shame.

    Thanks for my laugh for the day, Naw, for the week!

  7. Oh, is that a woman in the picture? Or Tyler Perry in white face?

  8. Tee hee, the facts of life!

  9. I don't know 'bout anybody else, but if I had know'd I was gonna live this long I'd would have taken
    better care of myself.

  10. lol...........the woes of beign large..........tell me about it.............i read somewhere the other day " how to find out if your biggies are sagging" lol......well if you put a pencil underneath your breast and it doesnt stay that means you have oh so perky breasts and if it stays well biggies have begun their descent...............LOl........pencil dit they say?????? i could hold a bible and no one would no...........lol..........

  11. scary for those who wish to look young

  12. Hello there, Rhapsody! It's so nice to meet you. Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm really enjoying your posts.

  13. Hi:)

    There is a lot of truth in what you have written with great humor. The photo is so complicated that I was wondering if it was a woman's bosom hanging down or a man buttocks. But buttocks will not have bras on them. Or is it an underwear. Very complicated. I gazed and gazed trying to see something but I could not see anything:):):)

    This is a cleverly written post loaded with humor and a powerful message.

    I remember Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson took lot of trouble and spent lot of money to look young. Michael even changed his color. But all the money they spent and the suffering they underwent to look young and beautiful worked only for a little while. No one can escape the clutches of time. It is merciless.

    I enjoyed reading your post and the very intriguing photo. Many, many thanks.

    Have a lovely day:)

  14. Wow!, that was what I was going through before I decided to work out 5 times a week.

  15. I guess wearing a good bra really helps. I used to be unhappy about not being heavy breasted but, nowdays I’m so happy to be cute and perky.

  16. Replies
    1. glad you got a kick out of it......gravity after all is a powerful thing is it not? :)

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