Jul 22, 2018



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Hydrate and Increase your brain Power and energize yourself, flush out those toxins, help nix the bad breath and maintain regularity. Ain't nothing cute about funky breath or getting backed up.
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✸Drink water!
✸No calories
✸No sugar
✸No aspartame
✸No preservatives
✸No names you cannot pronounce
✸NOT genetically modified
✸JUST water,
Can you dig it?

I am no doctor. I just know the difference in my body since I increase my water consumption. Try it, I won't hurt. The worst that can happen is you pee a lot, unless you're allergic to water.

Outside my own experience of increasing my water intake (less joint pain, more energy better thirst quench etc) all other research on water to quantify some things was found online with the help of my friend google - that includes the specific list on the benefits of water.


  1. Great advice, and one I do quite a bit of. I keep frozen water bottles in the fridge so they're ready to go with me when I drive, and I keep bottled in the fridge that I drink all day. Sometimes I add lemon too. Yes, you're right, it does make you go to the bathroom,(lol) but I can work with that. Hugs...RO

    1. Blessings.....
      I know, its running to the washroom always, but you know there are worst things. For health one can put up with the washroom runs.

  2. At least this is a safe experiment. I drink a lot of water when I am fasting.

  3. wow!
    thank you so much for such simply great read my friend!

    we live in hotter part of land and specially sweat like hell so drinking water is most basic need of our daily life though in winters we need to convince ourself for it

  4. This is good advice, and so true. Another thing I do, drink water rather than eat that snack I used to eat. When I read that tip in an article, I scoffed at the idea of water instead of treats. BUT, IT WORKS!


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