We don't know,
What we don't know.
Until we know,
We didn't know,
What we thought we knew,
But didn't have a clue.
That we were clueless. Wondering like sheeps without the Sheppard.
"Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do." --Luke 23:34
To be unknowingly blind, crouched comfortably unaware in unwitting
deafness, rendered inadvertently dumb by the positioning, indangers the soul drastically compromises the spirit. Some say the soul is the spirit and the spirit is the soul, using it interchangeably.
The unconsciousness leaves the soul, the spirit unprotected, vulnerable to soul suckers and spirit eaters who wilfully and willingly gorge gluttonously on the ignorance bliss of the unknowing.
Being spiritually blind, deaf and dumb is not an enviable position. It makes you prey to and for the predators.
By D.S.B.S. Rhapsody Phoenix
©D.S.B.S Rhapsody Phoenix
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