Aug 13, 2018


It was a hot evening, the heat broke lovingly by the cool winds gliding over the skin. I stood in the slender shade of an electric pole casting a long shadow. Rather than figit restlessly I pulled out my phone, tap my OVERDRIVE app and selected a book "Jaguar Pride" by Terry Spear from my reading list. Emerced in my reading I did not hear the streetcar pull up, rather it's enormous shadow alerted me. I closed my phone and boarded via the back doors with my monthly pass. Standing room only.

I positioned myself close to the back door and resumed reading. I split my awareness to the book and passengers who may want to exit so I could move out of the way. Just before the 3rd to last stop before the subway a young man that stood next to me rang the bell. I stopped reading and navigate myself out of the way. He stood in front of me waiting to exit. The streetcar stopped and he stepped down on the steps that automatically opened the door. He was about to exit and I grabbed him by his upper arm and pulled him back back before he could step out. He turned with a irritated scowl to see who grabbed him. His mouth opened to speak when he noticed the car sped by the open doors without stopping. He looked at me as widened in understanding. He closed his mouth, closed his eyes briefly, touched his chest, looked me in the eye and said "thank you." I smiled and answered, "you're welcome."


  1. Glad you were able to snatch him back before it was too late! Good for you. :-)

  2. you are plainly just a hero and a good citizen, proud of you!

  3. I was expecting he would snatch your phone and run away.Luckily your alertness and quick action saved the guy from a major accident. An unexpected and satisfying end.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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