Jul 7, 2017


RAW by D.S.B.S.Rhapsody

To express oneself is never a bad thing
In fact it is healthy
What may cause you to pause,
To question the articulation of your particular form of expression
Maybe ...
Kinda like the ......
Who, what, when, where and why
In fact this right here "Appropriateness"
Can very well alter and give new meaning to your expression
Such transformations can manifest through Distortion or Hindrance
The distortion can be a help facilitating growth, hope, opening doors of opportunity and positivity.
Or it can be a hindrance manifesting negativity, birthing consequence you never imagined and blocking the Blessings
Both possibilities are learning experiences should you be open to enlightenment that demands consequential acceptance.
How you navigate through and allow that to define and redefine you,
Time will tell.



  1. I'm finding the older I get I am learning more. During my working life I just seemed to concentrate on work, relationships and paying my bills. I find now that I am less reluctant to express my feeling. I suppose this is common as we age. You care more in some respects and care less in others.
    I like the artwork above and I want to thank you for your visits. Many time in recent years I have considered shutting my blog down.

    1. Yes, it can get a bit daunting the blogging thing as the other social media forms lure bloggers away. I too experienced the mind to give up blogging. It can be discouraging as your blog friends disappear and stop visiting all together. I decided not to put more weight on who commented/visited and more on why I blog.

  2. Self expression, practicing mindfulness and being the best version of yourself is what we all should strive for on a daily basis. Wonderful thoughts indeed. I hope you are well. Peace and lights always!

  3. Well written. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you Nancy. My weekend was quiet as I am recovering from a flu

  4. Wise words and very well said as usual, my friend. Thanks for sharing your point of view on this, I enjoyed reading it.


You Are Enough. Right here, Right now, In this moment, YOU. ARE. ENOUGH!

By All Means Speak Your Mind. However, Please Observe These 3 Basic Rules.

1. No form of abuse is allowed, everyone is entitled to their point of view (pov) as we all see and articulate the world differently, be respectful and speak without offending.

2. Please stay on the topic of discussion

3. Agree to Disagree

So what say you?

Note: All content here are mine unless otherwise noted. All photographs are taken by me again, unless otherwise noted.

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