Mar 17, 2016


Some days my puddle is just a puddle
Small, insignificant, barely existent much like a tiny drip
Other days it enlarges and grazes the souls of my feet
Barely enough to touch my toes
Shielded by the barrier of my shoes however…
More noticeable, shimmering
Reflecting, mirroring my denials
Forecasting stubborn unfinished truths
Putting me on notice
In those moments when the truth refuse to be denied
I gaze resign and anxious at my puddle’s transparency
Almost mocking in its exposure
Revealing everything beneath
Pure truths, stark naked and unbending
Shamelessly moving through a rancid path from yesterday into today
Stealing away my confidence
Leaving flakes of sadness and poisoned laughter
Clinging bitterly to my throat

Some days my puddle is my coffin
Overpowering, strangling hope,
Dismantling dreams
From its nonstop dreadful stink of yesteryear
Round in the belly of my psyche
Other days my puddle shifts
From beneath my feet
To huddle in my nose
Stealing my breath
Blurring my vision
Pushing me maliciously toward despair
But stubbornly I reposition myself
Poised and filled with a robustness birthed at the feet of anguish
That merged and morphed through the ages of tribulations
Defiantly I blow it out
Triumphant and euphoric
I reduce my puddle to just a puddle again
A tiny speck
Barely discernible
That for the most part
Goes unnoticed

Written by D.S.B.S.Rhapsody(c) all rights reserved. 
Wallpaper image from


  1. A most excellent post.

    What a wonderful way you have of showing how to deal with things.

    Have a great day.

  2. Hi Fabulous, what’s up.
    I’ve read a lot of your book list. I will pick up some of the others. You should read an old book by Dr. Henry Louis Gates called Colored People a Memoir.
    Todays poem was really great. I think I’ll publish some of mine; but in the mean time , if you don’t mind, I’ll put this one on my blog. Stay Cool, may God continue to bless you.

    1. hmmmmm, COLORED PEOPLE A MEMOIR, sounds interesting, I'll look into it.

      Thank you and by all means publish your poetic thoughts.

  3. Something I relate to.

    Have a great rest of the week,

    Take care,

  4. mmmmmmmmmmmmm.
    hard for me to understand what was on your mind when you wrote it!!!!!!!
    take care bella.

    1. The key is not to understand what was on my mind rather is to see what you keen from reading it and whether or not you can relation in one form or another.

  5. VERY, VERY, VERY Good.

    Take care,

  6. Hi, I’m glad you vised my space!
    Take care,
    TeLLu <3

  7. Very sad. You are an extremely talented poet.

    1. Life can be joyous and tumultuous. It is the yin and yan of things
      Thank you.

  8. Just Linda
    wow, you always have the most thought provoking entries!!

    1. Why thank you Linda. I believe that reading should always stir and stimulate the mind.

  9. You can write very well. Have a beautiful day!

  10. Beautifully written you are talented!

  11. That was a somber kinda poem. Well-written, but a little heart-wrenching. Make sure you stay in charge of that puddle, sweetie, and never ever test its depth with both feet.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will indeed stay in charge of my puddles. I shall keep one foot firmly planted so i always have the opportunity to boost myself up.

  12. Truthfully I never looked at life as a puddle, but whatever metaphor you choose it all boils down to problems we all face in the thick of it. You just are better at expressing it.

    1. A well that is the beauty of choice, it gives liberty to ones expressions.

      Thank you.

  13. Rhapsody this was incredibly touching... such raw and beautiful words, many of us feel this and don't know how to articulate it... incredible xoz ♡

    1. Thank you kindly Launna.
      I am glad you were able to connect and was willing to share your thoughts.

  14. Beautifully written.

    I saw your comment. I have been having serious issues with my comment section for a long while now... mostly dealing with spam, for that period I couldn't comment or respond to any comment because It was set not to receive any because of the increased spamming. It is not resolved yet but I had to unblock it. I am so sorry if it seemed like the comments were ignored, still trying to figure out how to get minimize the spams.

    1. Blessings and thank you.
      I just use the moderator, that way I can go in a delete all the spam before publishing my blogs friends/visitors comments.

  15. Awesome, totally awesome! You certainly do have a way with words. This is so deep and insightful, one needs a fog-free mind in order to digest it. Thanks these wonderful words of wisdom.

    1. Thank you. "a fog free mind?" haha.
      you are welcome

  16. I think with ideas that circle just a simple thought How one views every day.After sanity sometimes I think of the new idea flitting away the reflection looking.
    I was very happy with Fox8ponts are beautiful to shows of golf and Tennis.

    1. there is value in seeing life in different ways, it helps to bring perspective as it sheds new light to situations.

      I am glad you are happy with your activities.

  17. Gosh that was full of Wisdom , makes you think of our lives and thank you for your words Rhapsody.
    Have a lovely Easter Holiday x

    1. Thank you for your feedback. I appreciate you taking the time to visit read and share your thoughts.

      Happy Easter to you s well..

  18. Hello,

    Well written, very interesting and thought provoking.

    Best wishes

    1. thank you Joseph, its good to stir thoughts to bring about diverse ways of seeing things.

  19. hmmm...this is certainly a different way of seeing things

    1. That is the beauty in diverse gazes, it all shapes the world, circumstances/situations a little bit different.

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