
Jan 4, 2013


Every once in a while one must cocoon in seclusion,

Away from the wondering eyes,

The prying sighs,

The judgmental smiles,

The external uttering’s,

From the this and the that;

The he said, she said

The demanders,

The beggars,

The constant naggers,

The nay sayers,

The players,

The meddlers,

The malice perpetrators,

The prolific advisors,

If only but for a moment...

To hear oneself think!

To truly understand what one believes outside of influences.

To access the center of ones being,

To dwell in the place of silence, solitude and tranquility...

In order to find clarity and assurance.

To Affirm and Reaffirm,

To Connect and Re-connect

With the Divine,

With Self,

To understand purpose;

And to bask in the knowledge that one's feet is still firmly planted.


Silence is golden

Solitude is grace

And a necessary escape

For one to find their place


D.S.B. Rhapsody ©All Rights Reserved.


  1. You have such a talent with words. I read this post twice. It makes so much sense.

  2. Beautiful and so very true! I use yoga and meditation for escape… it gives me a chance to do everything you have spoke about in that piece. :)

    1. fantastic, a bit jealous though, cause God know I can't twist myself into a pretzel nor could i meditate because i just fall asleep! hehe.

      thanks for stopping by

  3. d2d:please dont worry about me. i am ok yes, i need a break. long one. maybe. but i shall remember you for always. take care my sister. be back when i can. look out for yourself, d….. dont feel too much for others otherwise the only one who ends up hurt is self, :)

    1. hmmmmmm, i'll take that under advisement, you take care of you to, be happy.

  4. I want alone time but can’t seem to get any. Have published your musing for purchase?

    1. It starts small, take it hour to hour eventually you'll get there.

      I am seriously considering it, (publish for purchase that is)

  5. I agree completely, well said.
    Solitude and communing with nature is essential.
    Do it often and you can tolerate the world of man.
    A mantra to live by.

    1. hmmmmm..........
      there are some benefits am sure...
      I'll consider your mantra

  6. I did just that yesterday. I took a day of leave from work just because when I woke up I didn’t feel like being around anyone.

    Happy New Year

    1. Good for you....
      Happy new year to you to, may it be all you want and more.

  7. Wow, written from the heart…ty for sharing such a stunningly beautiful piece of prose. Ingaoxo

  8. This one’s a great composition!
    I loved the following lines the most:

    Silence is golden
    Solitude is grace
    And a necessary escape
    For one to find their place

  9. Ms Rhapsody,
    It’s been my pleasure. I was first introduced to you at JoJo’s aka C.C.Gill. I like your style and I intend to visit again. In the meantime, if you would be so kind, please except my invitation so that I might have the pleasure of your future updates. Long live the ball point. Your’s in the ink,

  10. Replies
    1. LMAO.....
      You do so love that monosyllabic summation don't you. Makes me smile all the time…..word?

    2. Yes i do,most times it goes places it should not. i`ll check that.

    3. lol, lol, its like my hmmmmmm....every time i use it or say it people go, "what does that mean?"

      The reason your usage of "word" amuses me is because i used it as a young girl in the Islands (Trinidad).

    4. You used it for the same reason too? like in Agreement?

    5. Yes, absolutely.....its my go to, there are times when no amount of words would do justice, when all that is needed is your ear, time, tolerance to signify that you are listening, in agreement, questioning, reflecting etc.

      How you doing Darling, this weekend going/went good for you? What are your plans for the coming week?

  11. This is a good one.

    It's difficult sometimes for me to find a place of solitude (there's a lot of craziness around) but I'm working on it; taking conscious steps to find my place.

    1. thank you....
      You will find something, though you'd be surprise how you can crave out some time in the most unique and unsuspecting places. (A far off corner at the library, At night retiring extra early to get in some meditative time before sleep, In the wee hours of the morning before the household comes alive even the bathroom believe it or not.) Good luck seeking I have you doubt you will indeed find.

  12. Silence is golden, solitude is grace Nice!!!......yes indeed sometimes we all need space to declutter our mind only way to focus positive energy!!

  13. Thoughts beautifully,stylishly and convincingly expressed.

  14. Ohhhh! Silence and alone times are essential! It's the best time to re-adjust ones life. Times like that is good for setting goals and filtering out certain things from your life.

  15. Yes o. Very right. To get rid of all the junk and clutter that shallowness around us can bring.

    Happy new year.

    1. True enough, we have to be diligent about keeping ourselves grounded and authentic.

  16. I do this all the time, no day passes without me taking my alone keeps my sanity in check.

    1. that is a good sign that you are implementing self-care, checking in, taking inventory, that is so necessary-like you say to keep ones sanity.

  17. Brilliant!!To access the centre of one's being and to know oneself and understand the purpose is the kernel of wisdom taught to us by evolved souls.Thanks Rhapsody.

    1. Namaste & Thank you. I trust you are well?
      Knowing oneself is key, it helps for growth, understanding, forgiving and keeps the mind open.

  18. Nice, I enjoyed this poem. I can so relate to this, every now and then you definitely need a little time for yourself to self reflect or to even think. Breaking away to have that time is so necessary.

    Hello, Rhapsody Phoenix

    I’m a new follower to your blog and I’m enjoying it. Check out my site out if you like, when you get a chance .

    Take care,

    1. Absolutely.
      thanks for the follow, I will check out your blog, in fact am heading over there now.

  19. Gosh.... I haven't been alone is such a long time, I don't even know what it feels like anymore... or perhaps how to deal with it.

    1. hmmmmm.....
      Well there is alone and there is ALONE (physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual etc), there is a broad difference as one can be alone in a crowd.

      No one no matter how much they love you can do emotional/psychological/spiritual inventory for you. They can support you in the process but they cannot do it for you. I have no doubt you do this, it can also be done in a crowd.....(smile).

      Take care.

  20. *finger snaps like at the end of a spoken word reading*

    We are becoming more and more distracted everyday. And moving away from silence and hearing ourselves think. To just think with clarity is a blessing in itself these days. Sigh.

    1. Yes...
      Do you know I have never been to a spoken word performance. I promise myself this year to attend, perhaps i'd even try my hand at open mic night......perhaps

  21. Solitude is golden...'nuff said! How are you, peace and love always.

    1. I am blessed and keeping that knowledge upper most in my mind and countenance.

  22. Someone please call 911 because I think my thoughts/feelings were just stolen!

    I truly enjoyed reading this and it conveyed many of my thoughts/feelings. I used to go into a self-imposed exile at least once every other week and I haven't done it in such a long time, but I'm feeling the need becoming greater for me to start doing it again. I enjoy the solitude; the technical disconnect; the fragrant smell of lavendar oil buring and filling me with the tranquility and serenity to fade into me.

    Thank you for sharing this and inspiring me to take myself back and disconnet in order to reconnect

    1. HAHA......
      Yes at times you have to get back to the things that nourish you and your spirit.

      get to it then! Rejuvenate! Renew! Replenish! Restore!

  23. Good Rhapsody I truly believe in solitude every now and again. All your words are so true .. Only last September I took myself off to a wonderful Hotel , across the South East of England. There I stayed for one day and a very relaxing evening. Time to re think etc I felt refreshed the next Morning not to have exchanged one word with anyone at all. I love this post and agree completely.
    Sheila :)

    1. Oh that is one of my wishes....
      I have yet granted myself premission

  24. Wonderful musings. I can so relate. Well written. Thanks for giving me this food for thought. Happy new year my sister. In solitude, may you discover yourself. Ciao.

    1. Happy New Year and welcome back....
      Yes, you discover and re-discover.

  25. Please permit me to copy this, with due acknowledgements of course.

    1. Send me your email and I'll send it to you and your acknowledgment if you re-post will be most appreciated and welcomed.

    2. Okay sis, thanks. My e-mail address is:


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