
Jun 12, 2012

Just A Word–“What is earned can be lost”

profound thoughtIt is often quoted that “in order to get respect it must be earned” it should also be noted, “respect earned can be lost if disregarded, dishonoured and taken for granted.”

Mindfulness Thought:
Be conscious of the way you treat the ones that support you and love you beyond your flaws. Careless disregard can cost you the very thing you cherish the most..



  1. Good Day. To earn respect it takes a lifetime of labor. To lose it takes but a minute !

  2. Careless disregard can cost you the very thing you cherish the most.. This is a gem of a thought and applies with great force in human relations.Things need to be sustained with attention and affection.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you, knowing is easier than doing but do we must if we hope to maintain quality relationships.

  4. Excellent advice! Thank you!

  5. This is soo true. If only we always remember

    1. That is the key, never taking anything and anyone for granted. I tend to place it in a place i visit often to remember, though I am human and falter.

      Peace be with you this time in your grief my friend.

  6. Everybody respect that remember after their life ways and month time yeas.

  7. Hello,

    Greetings and good wishes.

    Your post contains abundant wisdom. Most often we treat shabbily people who are close to us and take for granted their love,affection and respect. A day will come when we will badly regret our actions when all our near and dear ones depart from us or ignore us.This is specially applicable to family members. We have to treat them with utmost respect at all times.

    Very thought provoking post,

    Are you not on the face book. If so please let me know.

    Best wishes,

    1. Very true Joseph, very true. We need to not take the ones closes to us for granted.

  8. Replies
    1. thank you, its been a while. I trust all is well?

  9. I've always felt the lack of mutual love which exists in the world was born from a lack of respect for mankind in general. Your post reinforces my belief.

    Well said.

  10. Great food for thought...something we all need to remember. Thanks for your blog. I am your newest follower.

    1. Thank you, yes we all need to remember and keep it always to the forefront of our daily living.

      Thanks for the follow.

  11. Both are very true and worth giving a omust take care not to loos respect..and people who love us are more important than the the people we love..

    1. hmmmmmmm.......interesting take on things. thanks for sharing.


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