
Mar 15, 2012


“Sometimes the consequences of telling the truth is so crushingly devastating that it makes lying seem the lesser of two evils and a plausible solution.”

self-quote: D.S.B.Rhapsody


  1. fortunately that situation does not occur often, Fab

  2. lol yeah, i know what you mean but still— i say, stick to the truth. cos total devastation/ strained ties [consequence of spilling the beans] is preferable to confusion, i feel :)

    1. I too prefer truth too lies but Lord sometimes it can take you out at the knees.

  3. That is when you shouldn’t say anything at all.

    1. hmmmmm....i have learn the art of silence. Its an option I exercise if i do not want to say something that may be hurtful.

  4. Sometimes it could be how you say it.

  5. Hey girl, you are so right on this one! But you know what? The truth shall set you free.

    Thanks for stopping by. I know I’ve been quite tardy with visiting your space….meh sorry, meh will try to be a bit more consistant/regular.

    As for the ‘pseudo ass’, that is not the right name! But I do agree with you, I am the FOOL here, because I ignored all of the warning bells, but such is life. I’ve truly learnt my lesson and trust me, there will not be another one. It will be NO, NADDA, NAY, NEVER NIL, GET THE HELL AWAY!!!!

    Have a great week!

    1. hmmmmm....and freedom has a price...
      lol, lol, lol.....some lessons leaves a

  6. I should have lied!

  7. Therin lies the tempation to tell a lie.
    Usually the truth is the easiest I find, in the long run.
    Lies consume energy to keep track of and have a way of entangling one in negative snarl.

    1. hmmmm, you got that right, the world is full of temptations, they hide behind every cloud. It absolutely consumes.

  8. Sometimes we don’t want to hear the truth or say the truth.

    However, the end result is always for the better.

    Stay warm up there and be well,


    1. It is a process, hearing the truth, absorbing it and then moving forward with that new knowledge.

  9. .Although sometimes difficult, truth is freeing and easy to recall,
    lies sting and very difficult to remember. No one dies from truth,
    and in hindsight it has a way of washing pain..
    I have enjoyed browsing your posts and wrapping myself in your
    words. Thank you for sharing

    1. I agree, recalling lies is stressful because one has to remember what is said, in what context, for what reason, on what day, in front of whom and why. The truth though complex is so much simpliar.

      Thank you, i am glad my writing is comforting.

  10. A lie is like medicine to help ease the pain of the truth. But A lie is only going to last for so long and wear off, as the truth is only going to be more painful then it would have been before the lie. What we fail to realize is that the truth is not a temporary medecine like a lie, but a complete healing process. Hope it made sense.

    1. hmmmm, that is an enlightened take on truth. thanks for sharing.

  11. After reading all the comments I had to re read the post! Man! Are the possible results of the truth ever really that devasting……………………or is it just plain easier to tell a lie and rationalize the reason why we told it in the first place?

    1. A little of both I think. The choice to tell or not to tell is subjective, determined by the person who has something to reveal or not.

  12. Obviously we dont wanna advocate telling lies...but how truthful you are depends on the situation sometimes. I think there are certain situations where you should just keep quiet to avoid the pressure of telling a lie or being truthful and ultimately hurtful.

    1. Silence at times feels like a solution though some would say that silence in itself is a lie of omission hence still a lie and the impact once discovered is twice as bad.

  13. It's a judgement call. One can only hope one makes the correct decision and says the right thing.. I know I have made mistakes along these lines in my life.
    Thank you for the award. I will place it on my blog when I change a few things around.

    1. To speak truth or not to speak truth is absolutely subjective.

      You are welcome.

  14. Bitter truths and the trail damage they leave behind... I'm not going to sit on a high horse and say i've never lied in an attempt to protect the people i love. It's easier not to say anything or deliberately omit the truth but sometimes, you get asked directly and have to either say the truth and cause a world of hurt or lie and die silently

    1. Quite a choice isn't it? Life is simple in so many ways and complex in on so many levels. A lot depends on where you are, how you feel about said situation and if you are willing to face the truth yourself and the impact on those surrounding you because you will have to deal with it all once the truth is let out of the bag.

      The silence you are right it can be corrosive.

  15. so true, and so tempting...and silence itself sometimes signifies consent / acceptance.....depending on the situation, but the truth will always suffice.

    Love the saying.

    1. hmmmmm.....temptation is a daily battle that range from the mondane to the enticing. Silence is a language of its own I think and can speak volumes depending on the circumstance.

      I agree that truth will always suffice.

  16. Tell the truth but not when it is unpleasant or hurts.Silence is golden on many occasions.However where one is required to tell the truth for delivering justice,truth must be told.

    1. hmmmmm, the telling and revealing of truth is subjective, where one determines it time another determines its not. One big hinderance of telling the truth is often what we preceive the person's reaction would be, we creating on our imagining how much they would be hurt and further that be predicting how the impact would inform the person receiving the truth. It is this that sways if the whole truth is told, half-truths, or no truth all together. Weighing through human emotion can be a mindfield, you just never know what you gonna get till you get it.

  17. One thing I know is that the truth can never be hidden forever

    1. That is so true, there is a saying where am from, "you can't hide fire under a bussel," am sure you know why

  18. One thing I know is that the truth can never be hidden forever

  19. This is sooooo true but i'll prefer you tell me the truth (even if it's hard) and leme deal with it. I'll get over it eventually but lies, please. Silence is golden

    1. Thats because lies destroys trust, erodes faith in the person/persons. Its easy to recover from truth, it is not so easy to recover from lies.

  20. Good Morning Ms. Rhapsody,

    All is well in Branson...

    I'll go with the truth because eventually it always makes it way to the surface of lies.
    In real difficult situations wait for the right time.

    Have a wonderful weekend...Gbird

  21. Very true. If faced with telling the truth when it will hurt us a lie is not the answer either. Sometimes it is best to say nothing at all.

  22. I know what you mean. I have started to ask folks if they want me to be honest and look at their non verbals when they are responding to help me decide if I should keep my mouth shut. Sometimes I decide it is better to not say a word because I'm not about compromising my integrity to make somebody 'feel good'.

  23. Happy new year best wishes,good health and enduring peace and happiness.

    1. Oh Michiko, thank you, its good to read your words because that means you are well on your way to recovery.....yes! Thank you so much for taking the time to come. A speedy recovery my friend.

  24. Happy new year and the best of health and happyiness to your family,

    1. same to you my friend same to you. glad you are getting better.

  25. hmm, this is a deep one.

    Situations sometimes puts us in some tight corners that we feel we have to lie to get out of...hmmm, the fact that we can rationalise it in our minds and give excuses doesnot make lying right....but like its said Honesty is a virtue, but if my lying is going to save "a life" ..then sincerely I dont know if I wont lie.

    I agree with you Life is simple in so many ways and complex in on so many levels.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. Not a simple black and white solution is it, at least not where the human heart and emotions are concerned. Standing away from a situation one can easily say, i would do this or i would do that, taking a black and white view of things but once the issues comes into ones orbit impacting ones life well then,it is when the many shades of grey and under laying colors springs forth complicating everything. Complex, yeah, I'd say

  26. i have a hard time with this one. my daughter died of alcoholism because no one would believe me - i was chicken little going around telling my family "she's drinking, she's drinking, she's drinking" and nobody ever saw her drink.

    then she dies of alcoholism. what??? she's only 34 years old.

    my family was lying to themselves but i was trying to tell them the truth but i thought i had more time...

    now if i could go back in time i would gather up all the boxes of wine and dump them in my family's living room and say "explain this" to mamma chicken little.

    the consequences could be great if secrets are held. i answer all questions asked. no more, or no less, but i answer them truthfully.

    1. wow that is powerful and must have been very difficult for you. I am sorry you had to experience/live through that trauma. Unfortunately the ones we want to support and believe us are the last ones to be there. ....

      It makes a lot of sense why truth is very important for you.

      Thank you for sharing, Sorry for you lost.

  27. Yes, you are so right. Very eloquently said. It always amazes me how easily some people lie, looking you straight in the foot.

    1. haha....straight in the foot huh, quite a way of putting it.

  28. This is so well said and something we all run up again at one time or another. Sigh... what to do?

    1. and there in lies the dilemma, what to do? If we do this or that, is it right? we are first with these questions so often in life yet we don't seem to get any better at answering them if they are tied to us emotionally and pyschologically.

  29. Namaste

    Yes this is very true. At times we need to hide the truth as it can lead to disastrous consequence. A small lie instead may do no harm.

    Trust you are doing fine. Warm Regards Ram

    1. It certainly feels that way doesnt it? Too soothe, smooth over, to make this right if only temporarily unless one is lucky and the lie is never discovered only when we are no longer of this world, that way we don't have to deal, see, feel the impact. It so has the taste of cowardness-though at times in our imperfect human fraility we choose cowardness as a solution against the harsh reality of truth.

  30. There are some lies that could possibly be justified, especially if by omission. But I try to err on the side of truth.

    ps. Sorry about your experience loading my blog. I understand, and I'm still working on it.

    1. I think that is our dilemma as human beings, to find a balance where truth remains priority and discretion use to be kind when laying out truths.

  31. Much of this experience when I was growing up. Brought up to always be honest. Even when I always am, there still times, lies would have saved me from being punished. I remember, I was always confused. When I tell the truth, I get beaten. Perhaps a mix? haha. Thank God, I didn't fall for that.

    - LDP

    1. Sometimes experience is a great teacher though at times the lessons get lost in the disillusionment. I too experience some of those truths that was rewarded with punishment and it thought me the lesson of silence and also the wisdom in knowing who to trust with trust with truths that is close to the skin and under belly.

  32. I agree with you. On fact there is nothing absolute Truth or otherwise.

    1. is nothing if not interesting and truths, the telling of, ommission of is subjective for one person's choice may not necessarily be right for another.


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